Is oBike still a thing? Does it still work?

I never got my deposit back.

Did anyone?

Why did I even pay a deposit that’s just a bit stupid.

Hey I have an idea for a company but I want all the customer to fund it.

Seems like Taiwan government huge failure on monitoring this one to the detriment of people

Nope, requested it weeks before they folded.

Good call. Others on this forum were fined for trying similar things.


I don’t think it does.
It only took the bikes as collateral for the unpaid debts. What government plans to do with that is anyone’s guess.

Nope. Was there an actual deposit or did we just pay in advance?

I’m all for new technologies trying to give the consumers what they need. Taiwan, at least Taipei, neither has consistent bike laws nor enforces what they have. It was easy to put bikes in legal places and let people park them wherever and not take responsibility. None of the other bikes are parked properly because there’s hardly any place to legally park scooters much less bikes, so the oBikes were left there until they stopped working. Suddenly, they were fined and the bikes seized to pay for the fines.