Is religion a choice?


Pure energy! That will actually dissipate back to it’s natural state, unless it’s cremated.

That was an interesting read. Reminds of Philip Larkin’s “I’m agnostic, I suppose. But an Anglican agnostic, of course.”

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Some people believe he is the creator. Uniformed laws of nature seem to suggest it for some.

But you are. Different amounts of belief are required for different things. Some things would take an effort not to believe in due to their repeatable nature, and not believing in them might even result in your rapid demise, whether you believe it or not. Some beliefs will produce no noticeable effect. To suggest that because they both involve belief, there is some significant commonality between them, is an equivocation by definition.

I said that from the very beginning. We all live in a world where we do not have perfect information about reality.

One can choose to believe it or not, but I suggest that sincerely not believing it will see you depart from this plane of reality in short order.

Science provides for correction of mistakes as a matter of the first order of importance. This is a feature, not a defect.

A: How can you not exist? “I think. therefore I am”.
B: Inconsequential. The physical models work whether it is a simulation or not.
C: Is true as far as I know.

He is a writer.

@Icon can prove me right.

Believing in God is something virtually all of us share in common too.

It’s not, but religion works on questions that are much harder.

But the ball falling thing is fallacious too. As Bertrand Rusell has illustrated:

Every morning, the farmer brings the chicken feed, without fail.
Then one morning, he doesn’t bring feed. He brings an axe.

A lot of science suffer from this issue, and it’s become a huge topic of discussion in the scientific community. Many can’t be repeated at all.

Yes, I agree. I’m just pointing out it’s not as clear cut as science can be proven and religion can not. I actually believe religion can be proven or disproven through empirical means. I’m certainly not the first person from various religions to believe it. Empirical knowledge is knowledge from experiences. Can you not experience religion to be true or untrue?

Would a burning bush talking to you as God saying “I am” be empirical evidence? Does the resurrection count as empirical evidence? Does the prophet performing miracles count? Buddhism when one teach nirvana? A soldier in war seeing signs from god?

It might not be enough to convince you. But it’s possible to experience religion empirically.

Did he write the bible? Or Quran? He probably dictated it to a ghost writer.

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Well, it’s a proven fact that the chicken is there, the farmer exist. The interaction; however, change because of different action took place by the farmer - which scientifically and empirically can be proven.

Religion works differently. It require no proof of chicken existence, no required knowledge of the feed and denying the possibility of chicken getting axed. Instead, it opens up infinite amount of interpretation, which includes, the farmer is having sex with a cow, the farmer is the chicken, the chicken is a giant axe, the cow is the farmer’s wife with a son called chicken, and that the chicken is the apple in the Garden of Eden which gay farmer eats.

Reference: Supernatural Season 11 Episode 20

I can open a church and make my own religion.


Religion is a fact.


Taoist philosophy dealt with this question in an interesting way. I, Andrew, had a dream where i was a butterfly. How do I know I am not the butterfly dreaming about being Andrew?

Not necessarily. A simulation can simple fill any gaps in the simulation that doesn’t work.

Can you? I worked at a mental institution where many people believed the same thing. Actually quite frightening if you let the thought of what if they’re right and I’m wrong in.

Is it?

If you didn’t see the farmer feed the chicken. Did it happen?

  1. You can’t prove anything outside of mathematics.
  2. So what? Religion deals with much harder questions than science, things much more complicated than whether an apple drops. That doesn’t mean you throw your arms up in despair and jump into a lake.

You can’t do scientific modelling if you believed the universe is meaningless gibberish.

It seems you’re basically coming to these conclusions with the premise of all religions being false. Which can very well be true. But it’s not a useful way of concluding it.

I really do be out here doubting the reality of my own existence sometimes…

Interestingly, philosophy and branches of like theology was for a long time the ultimate science. People sought to understand the really real for a long time. Why do you think Newton called his book philosophiae naturalis principia mathematica

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It has been established. ESTABLISHED. It’s like you are asking me if you type the words If you didn’t see the farmer feed the chicken. Did it happen?