Is Sister Sister available in Taiwan?

Young lady! Put the damned phone down immediately and take two steps back!

Do not waste your time in Taiwan with that type of nonsense.

We have so many activities and things for you to do while you’re here and many of us old timers who knew your pops @dix2111 back in the day owe it to him to give you some good “healthy” suggestions.

So, answer a few questions first so we might better serve you and come up with some good ideas to keep you off that infernal dumbphone.

  1. When did you arrive in Taiwan and when will you return to NC?

  2. Which city or town are you currently located?

  3. I’m assuming that you are locked up living with relatives and not on your own?

  4. How old are you now? Let’s see…if you’re here in Taiwan now, that means that you’ve graduated high school back in the States [redacted by mod]. Right?

I vote no to these two suggestions

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What’s going on? Give us an update.

Probably best not to broadcast this

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I thought it was important to point out that we SHOULDN’T be suggesting that she “Fuck around on Tinder” and keep our suggestions for activities age appropriate and with due respect to her father @dix2111.

Would not want anyone to think or suggest that she’s in any way a seasoned adult although she’s legally one.

That’s all debatable, except for being legally an adult, but I meant the birthdate. Not your place to share that info here.

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Report my post to call a mod to edit my post if you find it objectionable.

I was just re-posting the birthdate information that had already been shared here before.

I redacted it, all good without the personal info


Not available but oh well, at least I can watch Dawn of the Croods. (It’s a Netflix origin based off of the Croods movie. Yeah yeah yeah I know what they say about the Netflix originals whatever)

Lol more like an undercooked one

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Hapa. This is your dad!!!
What the hell man? Stop posting on forumosa and study. Do you have any idea how much this is costing me.
Dont even think about Tinder.And you better not look up the name dix2111 on tinder… or grindr… or onlyfriends //dilfyrobotmechanic.

oh yea one more thing, I have eyes everywhere. (im doing that thing where I point to my eyes and then point to you.)