Is Taipei Looking Better Than Usual?

Most of the Wulai (NTC’s biggest district), Pinglin, Gongliao, Shiding, Sanxia and Pingxi districts are wilderness; Wanli, Jinshan and Shimen districts are also mostly farmland and wilderness too. NTC is huge, over half of it mountainous.

Well there are mountainous areas, but I still think it’s a bit of a mischaracterizaton given how built up the plains and many of the hilly areas are.

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Personally, I find that the some of the dirty places in HK are much more dirtier than the dirty places in Taipei or New Taipei. However, I think I’m a little bias because I really do not like HK as a city. It’s definitely the more of a metropolis and modern city of the two, but I find it not as convenient and not as comfortable to live in as Taipei/NTC. I think it also has to do with the local’s personalities in HK, they aren’t as nice as most of the Taiwanese here.

I do agree on Banqiao being sparkling and modern for 6 streets and then you hit the Xinpu area and if you even dare to venture into the market area by MRT exit 1, without a cell phone or cell service, you probably wouldn’t be seen for a day or two.

Actually I thought of something positive to say. I noticed that they have been improving the bike trails. Found a new bike path that crosses a huge bridge over the river that divides Bali and Tamsui (somewhere south of both places). And I’ve seen an expansion towards Keelong of cycling paths (though I don’t know when that will be finished).

The Guandu bridge (which connects Bali and Guan Du) has been there for quite awhile. Unless another one has been built? I haven’t gone up in that direction, but I think someone would’ve made a post to the cycling sub-forum if there was something under construction there.

Unless you are you talking about Shezhi bridge a little farther south that connects Shezhi peninsula to the Beitou area? That’s a little newer than Guandu bridge.

I don’t know the name of the bridge. I don’t think the bike / walk paths were open about 2 years ago. It was a while since I’ve been by that area. Last time I went, they weren’t open (might have been built or almost finished, but were blocked off). But then in the summer I saw that they were open. Don’t know when they opened it. But it’s a welcome improvement.

Under construction, I’m referring to something east of Nangang, maybe in Xijhi. They seem to be building a bike trail towards Keelong in that area.

lostinasia just updated the bike path thread in the cycling forum and I think he has mentioned your bridge near Bali and Danshui/Guandu. It’s not the Shezhi bridge.

I think that a cycle path from Nangang to Keelung would be nice. However, it would be a very long project. The river there is narrow as it is and doesn’t seem like there’s much room for a wide pedestrian/cycle path.

Speaking of cycling paths, I have noticed that the short stretch of sidewalk from Zhongxiao Fuxing to Da An MRT (on Fuxing N Road) is under construction. It seems like they are widening the path to include a cycling lane. Will they eventually stretch the entire Fuxing Rd from North to South with these wide pedestrian/bike paths? Is it necessary?

i also like taipei more than hong kong for the same reasons. but from a visual point of view hong is so densely packed with buildings and people and interesting things to look at, plus its a naturally beautiful place. visually taipei doesn’t hold up in comparison.

Yep, the plan is to widen the west sidewalk to accommodate a bike land for the entire Fuxing Rd. just like what they did on Xinyi and Nanjing. Similar construction is happening on Xinsheng S. near Taida. It’s all part of the plan to make Taipei a bike-friendly city. But car owners, especially cab drivers hate it. Fuxing (going southbound) is now congested most of the time due to the lane reduction.

??? What on earth does this mean? :eh:


That stretch isn’t part of my daily commute, but I head that way for family dinners every Saturday evening during what I like to call “dinner rush hour”. It’s mayhem. Especially when traveling on Fuxing and at the Zhongxiao intersection, when the light turns green and no matter how fast you’re traveling, the light will turn red on Ren Ai.

I think it’s good that they’re expanding the sidwalks, but I have to agree that the taxi drivers probably hate it.

Meaning if you do not know that area well (and do not have data on your cell phone for navigation), it’s a maze! I have a friend that lives in that patch of residential buildings and I’ve gotten lost going to their place every single time.

It’s also mayhem because a lot of them are two way streets, but should really be one way with the amount of people and scooters that are going through there.

As I was riding around today enjoying the lovely weather, I noticed more jackasses in cars honking their horns, dudes on motorbikes roaring around and gunning through red lights. After the mercifully quiet new year break, it seems we’re heading back to normal. I am not sure I like this. :frowning:

In the sunshine, Taipei looks great. I’ve started to think it might look even better without Taipei people.


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With less people, yes.

Any pictures from the removal of the Zhonghsiao bridge eyesore?

Any explanation as to why they’re removing the Zhongxiao Bridge and what will replace it?

Yes, right! Apologies for my outburst of misanthropy.


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The part being removed is the appendix going to nowhere. It will be replaced by open space that will allow us to see the old Taipei gate in all its past glory. Oh and smoother traffic.

Click on the link to see the full size. I will upload some more later.

Taipei North Gate / Cheng-En Gate / Beimen
Most of the work was done already yesterday.

original size here

Yes, they said they were going faster because the weather was helping.