Is Taiwan’s work culture that bad?

Depends on the sector and language abilities and many more.

Not now, but I’ve been here and there the past couple of years working remotely.


Taiwanese culture prides itself on circumventing all laws, rules and normally accepted standards of conduct, generally speaking of course. There are always the 5% or so who don’t subscribe to these thoughts/actions. But, they are definitely in the minority.

There are no rules that ever need to be followed, unless someone is watching or there is a high probability that you get called out on it.


I think there is a mix here.

There is a minority of rule-following folks, ethical, code-of-honour types. They do exist.

The majority of folks are flexible, Daoist, move with the flow, rules are not the point here.

There are also flagrant abusers, looking out for themselves, to hell with others. They are also a minority and I believe they are widely hated.



I feel like we made a breakthrough today. :wink:


My work situation has been far more positive than negative. But I hesitate to comment because I work for a law firm (I’m not a lawyer) and I think that shapes the way the company operates more than anything (they do everything by the book- no exceptions). I also don’t think too many in this forum work a similar job.

At the first law firm I worked for, I got caught up in a huge power struggle among the partners. I left the firm not long after this started, and from what I heard, the struggle continued for some years after I left. I think this can happen anywhere, though. I got a new job in two weeks so it wasn’t a big deal.

At the firm where I now work, I have nothing to complain about, other than that the stress and workload can get to me at times. I discussed my situation with a partner recently so hopefully this will improve. But really, it’s not too bad, and I know for a fact things can get as bad or more often far worse at a US law firm.

I have zero complaints about the management or other coworkers.


I feel like my coworkers are pretty good. I think the job expectations are kind of nuts and many things seem super inefficient to me. The head boss is also often a total jerk. I think it’s expected of the boss-that they’ll be emotional and critical. I had a friend for a while who was running things, and I also felt like he was forced to make decisions he wasn’t necessarily prepared or eager to make, but it’s just that in the end everything gets kicked up to the boss. Being seen and at the office definitely trumps (and sometimes prevents) actual productivity.

give me more sales techniques i’d like ot hear

Boss is never wrong in Taiwan. You’re making them lose face for pointing that out.

Same anywhere…