September 24, 2023, 4:29am
My kid got flu A.
They tested for flu at the clinic and then charged us 250 plus an extra 960.
They told us the extra was for the flu test.
960 for a rapid flu test?
I assumed that it was a miscommunication and that most of the 960 is for the tamiflu they gave us because maybe it wasn’t covered.
But when I checked the receipt, it says zero for extra meds and 960 for medical tests.
September 24, 2023, 4:37am
Did you go to the emergency room?
Tamiflu is covered by NHI only if the patient meets certain criteria:
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September 24, 2023, 5:22am
It doesn’t look like she would be covered which is where the extra cost comes from.
I don’t mind that I had to pay, I still would have paid the extra knowing it was for meds.
However, I like to know what I’m paying for and 960 for a flu test seemed strange.
Thanks for your help
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September 24, 2023, 5:43am
Another question.
The doctor put three postage stamps on the back of the medicine list/receipt.
What’s that about?
Most likely stamp duty for the receipt.
It’s still a mystery to me when it’s required…
Yea I had stamps on the back of my receipts when I go to the doctor, no idea what for.
September 24, 2023, 1:56pm
His boss told him to stamp the receipts. He thought he meant postage stamps.
They gave me Eraflu. Did I get cheated?
Q: Do receipts issued by clinics need to be stamped with a tax stamp?
A: If a clinic receives a cash payment, tax stamps must be affixed by the issuer (the clinic) at a rate of 0.4% of the amount on the receipt. In other words, for receipts issued by the clinic, 1 yuan in stamp duty should be affixed for every 250 yuan. Amounts less than 250 yuan are exempt from stamp duty.
Tamiflu and Eraflu are both brand names of Oseltamivir. Eraflu is made by the Taiwanese company Yung Shin Pharmaceutical Industries Co., Ltd.
流行性感冒簡稱流感,是一種由流感病毒引起的急性病毒性呼吸道疾病。流感病毒可分為A、B、C、D四型,但只有A型與B型流感病毒會造成季節性流行。常見症狀為發燒、頭痛、肌肉痠痛、疲倦、流鼻水、喉嚨痛及咳嗽等,流感的治療除了症狀緩解的藥物之外,還有抗病毒藥物可以使用,這些抗病毒藥物通常在出現症狀後48小時內使用會有最好的療效…。關鍵字:流感預防, 流感治療, 流感病毒, 神經胺酸酶抑制劑, neuraminidase, Relenza®, 瑞樂沙, oseltamivir, Tamiflu®, 克流感,...
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I have had doctors tell me Tamiflu is highly overrated. Bad side effects like nauseau/vomiting are relatively common, and the drug typically only works efficiently if it is taken ASAP - so like as soon as the patient presents with symptoms + tests positive.
Best case scenario, Tamiflu shaves like a day off of the sickness
Hoping for the best though for your kid!
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That’s what a doctor told me too.
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September 25, 2023, 11:10am
Yes, that’s what I read after I got home and googled it.
However, I will say that my kid did take it early and she is a lot better today. A lot.
She is pretty healthy anyway so she normally recovers quickly when she is sick.
However, she is pretty dramatic so the doc probably thought it best to give it. Even if it only shaves a day off.
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