Is this legal?

Thanks for the input anyways I’ll see what law professionals say about it.

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Just gonna leave this here if you want.

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Thanks a lot!

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No problems!

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Show the contract to the labor bureau. They can’t withhold your pay. The rest of the stuff is pretty normal like not being liable to cover your legal expenses. The only other issue I saw was the canceling of your ARC. I believe you get about 4 weeks after leaving your job before your ARC expires and that’s enough time to get another job and ARC sponsorship. You might want to check whether it’s 30 days total or 30 working days which equates to 6 weeks.

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I’m pretty sure it’s 14 days, but you can always get a “looking for work” visa extension of 6 months.


I’ve found Moe contracts with shady stuff inside before like getting my airfare reimbursement cut in half like one school tried to do. I’m guessing the school must actually write it and then gives it to the Moe to look over. I’m guessing that’s what really happens

The individual schools do an insane amount of shady stuff. Some aren’t really that bad, like “no leaving the school during working hours” (I get it, someone probably crashed their scooter on their lunch break and tried to hold them liable or something), but others do all sorts of whack shit. I saw a school contract offering 56,000/month. The starting salary is a little over 62k if you’re an FET (TFETP), so there’s a really good chance someone in the school pocketed the difference.

I used to post a link to the FET website and the actual MOE contract, but they’ve deleted it since they became the TFETP.


I think it’s still available somewhere but I can’t remember where. The salary should be public info. The contracts aren’t though unfortunately

My school has that rule about not leaving but they always say it’s fine as long as I ask first.

Update: Made a call to the labor department. The guy said teachers were covered under the labor laws of Taiwan (to what extent that’s the fun part you’ll have to find out yourself). Anyways, employers are not allowed to penalize you for terminating your contract early (?). How true that is guess we’ll have to see. They definitely can’t take it from your salary at least.

A side note, even if you give proper notice that doesn’t mean your employer won’t be dodgy. Plan ahead and prepare well for your exit.

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