Just curious. In the opinions of folks here, are these “racist”?
I cannot read Chinese. I know its an advertisement.
But can this be considered “racist”?
How about this:
Does this qualify as “racist”?
Just curious. In the opinions of folks here, are these “racist”?
I cannot read Chinese. I know its an advertisement.
But can this be considered “racist”?
How about this:
Does this qualify as “racist”?
[quote=“TainanCowboy”]Just curious. In the opinions of folks here, are these “racist”?
I cannot read Chinese. I know its an advertisement.
But can this be considered “racist”?
How about this:
Does this qualify as “racist”?[/quote]
I think the last one depends on who put it out, and what they are trying to say. The first one is an ad from Japan. So,it could play on racial tensions btw the Chinese and Japanese, althought I’ve never related the use of “chink” to Japanese’s way of degrading the Chinese.
I love the Jap as a play on Gap. That is… well… so lame it is funny.
I have a hard time picturing the “chink” name coming from anything other than the racial slur. Jap, however, is probably just to go with Gap since they use the gap logo.
I had a discussion with someone about “Jap” before about how in many areas it is just short for “Japanese” and not meant in a derogatory way, the same as “Paki” is short for “Pakistani.” Seems the Aussies can get away with both without any intended insult.
Unfortunately, racism is in the eye of the receiver, not the giver, and I think this is a completely backwards concept.
I agree about the backwardness of the concept. I think racism has a widely accepted and clear definition (two widely accepted and clear definitions, actually), and I refer to those definitions when determining whether or not someone or some act is racist.
JAP records stands for Japan Audio Productions. http://jap.bz/generationjap/ If you look at their website they are trying to be clever playing off of the Gap.
There is no mention of anything Chinese in the Japanese of the Chink ad. It just says they are selling new style handmade custom fenders. There is mention of laser in the ad so my guess is that it was translated poorly.
Main Entry: 1chink
Pronunciation: 'chi[ng]k
Function: noun
Etymology: probably alteration of Middle English chine crack, fissure
1 : a small cleft, slit, or fissure
2 : a weak spot that may leave one vulnerable
3 : a narrow beam of light shining through a chink
After looking at their website it seems that the designs are laser cut into the fender, so I think the #1 or #3 definition is what they meant.
You think too much.