Is this sex?

Is this sex?

  • yes
  • no

0 voters

An old childhood buddy of mine recounted a story to my SO and me over dinner the other night. It seems on some occasions his girlfriend will give him a manual release. He claims it is the best he has ever gotten and makes him whimper like a little virgin girl. In fact, he sometimes wants the manual release instead of regular intercourse because his girlfriend is so talented at it.

“It’s the best sex I ever had,” he exclaims. However, my SO quickly interjected that what he was getting wasn’t sex, it was more like a massage.

I just opined that it sounded like sex to me. To which my SO retorted with, “that’s what we want you to think.”

Is this like some sort of girl code to what is sex and what really sex sex?

I think its a cultural thing. From memory, a blowjob here isn’t considered sex either and from a legal perspective, you can’t get accused of adultery.

Did you quizz your wife on whether she thought it was acceptable if u got a bit of hand action every now and again at a massage parlour?

So Bill Clinton was right - he didn’t have sex with Monica Lewinsky. Just a massage dear.

I think sex has fluid exchange possibilities. Oral is sex, Anal is sex. Vaginal is sex. Hand job is foreplay.

What about nasal?

A friend wants to know.

Your friend either has a tiny, tiny Johnson or his woman has a huge nose.

God’s creatures are all created different.

But would it be sex? Would it be cheating on his SO?

I . . . he really needs to know.

Sex is not a requirement of cheating.

But it certainly enhances the experience, no?

You talk over dinner about wanking? No wonder you’re pro-blue.
And then FOB says it’s not sex. Eh? is it not a sex act?
I’ve always thought of getting my helmet polished to the point of orgasm as a definite sex act.

If it makes a mess…its sex.

I didn’t say it isn’t a sex act. I said it isn’t sex. Cheese food is not cheese.

Semantics is a refuge here. Sex act/sex…? BS.
JoJo gets a hand job…for him its sex.

Case closed.

[quote=“ac_dropout”]“It’s the best sex I ever had,” he exclaims. However, my SO quickly interjected that what he was getting wasn’t sex, it was more like a massage.

You gotta love them Taiwanese women. Very practical like.

I voted “no.”

And I think if you’re gonna cheat, you may as well go all the way. Getting busted for a hand job is kinda like going to prison for stealing candy (instead of the contents of the cash register).

Wikipedia defines a hand job as outercourse, as opposed to intercourse. It’s a form of non-penetrative sex.

A word like “sex” means what you make it mean. Often it is taken to mean sexual intercourse. In Blanchflower v. Blanchflower, they used the definition from the 1961 edition of Webster’s and thereby an accused spouse in a divorce case was found not guilty of adultery based on the premise that sex is only possible between a man and a woman.

We probably all had a little too much to drink during the course of the meal. At least it wasn’t a boring conversation about politics or the weather with lots of uncomfortable pauses.

I don’t know how this came up. I don’t think I can get away with going over to my SO’s sister house and have her give me a handjob while saying “it’s okay it’s not sex.” :laughing:

Not to mention kind of silly after leaving those intentions on a public internet forum.

Seriously I’m just more curious about what girls consider sex. SuchaFOB chimed in that grapping a male member to climax is foreplay. But the play is kinda over…there’s no aftplay.

It’s sex.

I don’t understand the Chinese food is not cheese comment. So, maybe the Forumosan who keeps dreaming about eating out Jolin is having Chinese food, not eating cheese, and not having sex, either, but it sure sounds sexual, and sometimes even a little cheesy. Okay, I guess that was a little free association. Sorry.

Anyway, an act of foreplay should not bring on orgasm, or like the OP said, the play is over.

But, I must say, that if a hand job, no matter how good, is the best sex this guy has ever had, I feel sorry for him.

What if Monica had give Bill a handjob ?
what if your girlfriend confess you: “oh darling, I swear I did not have sex with Kevin … I just gave him a manual release”


Seriously I’m just more curious about what girls consider sex. SuchaFOB chimed in that grapping a male member to climax is foreplay. But the play is kinda over…there’s no aftplay.[/quote]
From my experience it is better to have him pop one off during foreplay because the second wind lasts longer than the first.

From my experience it is better to have him pop one off during foreplay because the second wind lasts longer than the first.[/quote]

You should go out with Scots. They fart in bed.