Is traffic the worst part of Taiwan's lingering third worldism?

Good timing this, last night was probably the closest I’ve come to being hit by a car here. Crossing, with a green man, driver decides he doesn’t want to wait to turn left, so guns it before the oncoming traffic gets in the way. I see him, but figure I’m already over halfway over the crossing, so he’ll be turning behind me. Nope, just heads straight for me. I try to jump forward a bit more and he… Swerves towards me rather than behind me.

Eventually stopped right beside me, with my arms out at the sides staring at him through the windscreen.


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Yep, people here prefer or insist to cross in front, not behind. This is opposite land.

This stuff can get you killed. You need to use local “”“logic”“” and stand still, even if you have the right of way.

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Yea i was being polite

Local logic is to run across the crossing the road as if you were a wild animal. I quite like my bike, i can get across fast enough to not worry about the psychopaths. On foot its pretty dodgy. Especially taxi drivers that dont even look where they are going.

Often these guys are tired. If they are looking for a fare, they are looking sideways, not ahead. Be extra careful with taxis!


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In this case driver did not think blue trucks or other trucks had right of way (Lamborghini plows into trucks fixing the tunnel, result 2 or more dead)

Kind of wish Darwinism would take out some more of these young “pups” and their fast cars, considering the damage they do to other innocent people.

Looks like the truck is in the wrong lane

Can’t read Chinese …what happened and who died lambo driver or who

Super cars are quite strongly built but not indestructible

i would prefer if the driving regulation here were just up to date with the modern world. a few young bellends in sports cars killing themselves will be thought of as an accident by all taiwanese and it won’t contribute to any progress in the end.

One day a few years ago, I was coming down from the top of Feng Gui Zui (FGZ) north of Neihu on my road bike, when I clearly heard down below in the valley the roar of many of those speed demons coming up the 6+km climb to the top. This was during the weekday.
I basically waited until the sound got closer and just stopped my ride down the hill and got to the far far side by the concrete railings. They all came up the hill speeding by me in the middle of the narrow road.
Fuq them.

Truck(s) where fixing the road overnight, not in wrong lane just repairing the highway. It seems the car driver was speeding and did not see the road repairs until it was too late/ Maybe they should have police direct traffic like many places in the States now do, but not sure this would helped in this case. It seems a rich young man (mid 20’s) with money from the family not thinking much and doing what he wants do, and results in someone in the truck dying (he was just doing his job, zero fault to him) and the car’s passenger (a lady about 30) dying from the bad choices this young man made.

90% of scooter drivers never look on their left before turning right where I live (south), this still puzzles me after 3 years of driving a scooter here.
Is it the same in Taipei?
Surely people may be a bit more careful there?

It’s common in Taiwan.

Only a few weeks ago another guy incinerated himself and his wife in a supercar.


Fuck them.

Cause if they look to their left before turning right they’d be responsible to stop and merge safely.

But if they don’t look left, the problem is no longer theirs but yours
If I can’t see it, I’m not responsible for it.


My wife was telling me the news was trying to blame the car manufacturer.

Yeah, okay, Taiwan media. Whatever scapegoat you can find.

No situational awareness.
Not sure why but it’s normal in Taiwan.

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theres a video of it. he was just speeding like a complete cunt. not much else to say about it.

its part of the culture. if you are a rich man you have the right to drive your twat sports car around at 1000 mph. give way to no one and park on the crossing. police? what are they? its fucking backwards.

i saw a guy yesterday slowly rolling across the crossing while people were crossing, eyes only on his phone, cunt.

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I convinced my wife to stop driving a scooter after she was pregnant. Then I convinced her to sell it, so she could never ride it again. Now we’re one big happy MRT family. My work colleagues tease me about not riding a scooter. I’ve had 1 student die, and 4 or 5 get in serious accidents (2 had to be wheelchair bound for a few months, 1 needed serious facial reconstruction). They can tease all they want.


Teasing that you ride the MRT? Morons.
Between the PM2.5 and the heat, the sweat and the danger you are coming out pretty darn well.

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