Is UEFA championships on MOD or local cable tv?

Is UEFA championships on MOD or local cable tv? Thought I saw an ad on MOD ELTA sports channel.


Thanks. Hopefully it will have English commentary!!!

It does (english commentary). MOD Ch 70, ELTA.

It’s also shown plenty of last 16 and QF full-length replays this season during daylight/normal hours, a lot of coverage. So the semis should be live at 2.45am, and then repeated in full again the next day. So easy enough here to avoid knowing the result, then you can get a good night’s sleep and later pretend you’re still watching it live.

But for some reason it never feels the same…

[quote=“Nuit”]It does (english commentary). MOD Ch 70, ELTA.

It’s also shown plenty of last 16 and QF full-length replays this season during daylight/normal hours, a lot of coverage. So the semis should be live at 2.45am, and then repeated in full again the next day. So easy enough here to avoid knowing the result, then you can get a good night’s sleep and later pretend you’re still watching it live.

But for some reason it never feels the same…[/quote]

Only problem is it only shows half the games… all the live games are on other services. But MOD is cheap enough as well. Sign up for 2 years.

[quote=“Satellite TV”][quote=“Nuit”]It does (english commentary). MOD Ch 70, ELTA.

It’s also shown plenty of last 16 and QF full-length replays this season during daylight/normal hours, a lot of coverage. So the semis should be live at 2.45am, and then repeated in full again the next day. So easy enough here to avoid knowing the result, then you can get a good night’s sleep and later pretend you’re still watching it live.

But for some reason it never feels the same…[/quote]

Only problem is it only shows half the games… all the live games are on other services. But MOD is cheap enough as well. Sign up for 2 years.[/quote]

Ya it is cheap enough. Think i’ll sign up for 4 years. Satellite is a dinosaur. Alot of sports are going online these days and these satellite services are going the way of the dodo bird. byebye dodo. :2cents:

Rugby=Setanta sports
Aussie rules=Australian network, MOD
Premier league=ESPNHD MOD
F1=regular cable, star sports
Masters=Star Sports
Golfhd = MOD
ELTA SPORTS=Champions League
WORLD CUP in SA was live HD on MOD

Only problem is it only shows half the games… all the live games are on other services. But MOD is cheap enough as well. Sign up for 2 years.[/quote]

Ya it is cheap enough. Think I’ll sign up for 4 years. Satellite is a dinosaur. A lot of sports are going online these days and these satellite services are going the way of the dodo bird. byebye dodo. :2cents: Rugby=Setanta sports Aussie rules=Australian network, MOD Premier league=ESPNHD MOD Cricket=Willowtv F1=regular cable, star sports
Masters=Star Sports Golfhd = MOD ELTA SPORTS=Champions League WORLD CUP in SA was live HD on MOD[/quote]

If you want to think satellite is a dinosaur seeing as all these sports come to broadcasters from satellite in the first place that is your right :loco: :loco: :loco: . By the time you have paid for the several sources to get your content. Got your Copa Del Rey 2011 on any of those systems Thursday morning. Oops I guess not.

Setanta… went bankrupt before in 2009 and its possible will do so again as only 2 broadcasters in Asia have bought the rights and their online streaming is a bit dodgy, doesn’t have RWC but never mind, RWC we have in HD from … oh yeah that satellite you call a Dinosaur. Setanta Asia I have it off their HD satellite so no need to stream it. Yes thats right Setanta uses satellites first to get it to their streaming servers. Oh well.

Australia Network dropped NRL and Super 15 for this year, I announced this in May 2010 and was met with howls of rubbish, talking our of your A hole etc etc. Ooops guess I was correct. May have no sports at all next year… bye bye AFL… due to rights changes in Australia and also because new management do not see Australia Network as being a sports broadcaster, But never mind I have all the LIVE AFL games on ESPN HD and Fox Sports and One HD and other channels… again from satellite. Oh well.

ESPN HD Asia shows very little of the premier league, and it sucks when you want to watch a game and there are 8 of them live at the same time and Espn HD shows a game you dont want to see. or they show one half of one game in the first half then switch to another football match or baseball as has happened. Which is why many people have other systems like… erh Satellite TV. MOD gets most of their foreign channels from where? Oh yeah satellites above us in the sky from east to south to west Without those satellites UP MOD wouldnt have any content.

Willow TV doesn’t show a lot of live cricket and their streaming is poor quality, but hey its cheap and in anycase oh yes… we have it on Satellite in HD which streaming doesn’t get near. Plus we have several other cricket channels in HD as well, on satellite. So antiquated to have all these satellites carrying all this content in HD.

Golf HD ASIA also misses a lot of golf tournaments shown live on oops Ah yes, satellites. ASN, yes thats from satellite too made available to broadcasters like Truevisions, and Dish HD, and KBRO. I have had ASN for the last four years on Satellite but it’s only been in Taiwan for 2 years. But I have ESPN AMERICA HD as a backup as so many games not on ASN. Oh Well, I had to watch another ESPN HD last night to watch Boston Red Sox for baseball. Again not available in Taiwan. So sad.

ELTA doing a good job on showing half the Champions League play off but hardly any of the early rounds. Again its one channel and many Champions League games are on live at the same time… again on satellite TV.

F1, sorry I dont need all the adverts that Star Sports Espn has… I watch the pre race, race and post race without adverts from the BBC ONE HD, I am an F1 fan who isn’t going to listen to the crap commentary on ESPN STAR. I also get to watch all the live practice sessions not carried in Asia. MotoGP and Superbikes I have in HD on satellite but no longer on MOD, oops

If you think satellites are dinasours you are quite wrong. It’s how most content becomes available for broadcasters to downlink and then distribute. Like Star TV in Hong Kong, Without satellites up at 36,000kmh above us, there wouldnt be Star TV on your TV set. And yes IPTV is getting better and more content will become available because of it. So if you want to go around spouting rubbish that satellite is old hat please do… everybody will have a good laugh. The minute all those satellites go dead, their goes a lot of your communications infrustructure from banking to TV to cell phone communications and lots of other services.

Me thinks I hit a nerve. Keep your panties on, Mildred. Congrats on your monopoly. You must be rolling in it. Enjoy it while it lasts, dinoboy. Your contracts are dodgy. Just sayin.

No its not about hitting a nerve. You see I can’t start threads on things just to advertize my services. But I can respond in kind. So thanks for the opportunity to do so. :wink:
My contracts are dodgy? Really? Thats a new one. I am sure you can show us your contract then with my company? Don’t forget to highlight the dodgy parts now.

Show us your signed contract and what wasn’t provided to you in it. Please tell. Or do you mean to say you signed a contract and don’t like the provisions therein?
But wait, perhaps you don’t even have a contract with my company and perhaps never had one!!!

Please copy and paste it all. I don’t have a monopoly on anything. On that you are again wrong.

Will you say MOD contracts are dodgy because last year they carried Rugby and this year they don’t? Or they carried Motogp last year and this year they don’t? I know people who siged up with MOD just to get MotoGp and Rugby, are they all crying foul about dodgy contracts?

tick tick tick…