… 2003502632
Normally proChina Israel is granting visa free entry to taiwanese soon. And direct flights are in the planning stage ! When will the USA grant visa free? … 2003502632
Normally proChina Israel is granting visa free entry to taiwanese soon. And direct flights are in the planning stage ! When will the USA grant visa free?
Oh good! I hope more countries will give Taiwanese visa free entry too.
Normally proChina Israel is granting visa free entry to taiwanese soon. And direct flights are in the planning stage ! When will the USA grant visa free?[/quote]
Direct flights?
Normally proChina Israel is granting visa free entry to taiwanese soon. And direct flights are in the planning stage ! When will the USA grant visa free?[/quote]
Direct flights? You are asking too much. Taiwan does not have direct flights to Dubai which is a main business and transport hub in the Middle East, let alone having direct flights to Israel. I think, Taiwanese carriers are concentrating on their business with china more than the rest of the world as it is more profitable for them.
Taiwan must not strenghen links with Israel, a terrorist state that continues to persecute Palestinians, and lobby the US government to spend billions defending Israels interests!
Taiwan must not strengthen links with Palestine, a terrorist non-state that continues to murder Israelis, and should lobby Egypt and other Arab nations to disavow Hesbollah and Hamas, those dirty little Islamic fundamentalists, as a first step to a workable Middle East peace plan.
Why must it not? It’s funny how you consider Israel to be a terrorist state. Yet, one of the governments of Hamas is recognized as a terrorist organization by pretty much every government that is credible. You also fail to mention that Palestinians not only persecute Israelis, but also Jews and Americans. When I was walking in the West Bank once, I didn’t get many smiling faces. A lot of death to America and Kill the Jews bull shit.
How many are there?
Which governments would those be? Credible to whom?
Any particular reason people should want to smile at you?
Nice Avatar btw.
Hope these answer your questions.
There are two politician factions that claim to represent Arabs located in the West Bank and Gaza, Fatah and Hamas, respective fully. Fatah is just a corrupt organization that does little. Hamas, on the other hand, is a political party that was elected and controls the gaza strip. According to wikipedia, the best source ever!!!, the E.U., the U.S., Canada, Israel, and Japan all consider Hamas to be a terrorist organization. I am not one to even consider what comes out of some government policy as irrefutable fact. However, to my understanding Hamas engages in tactis where they selectively target civilians and have it as official policy to destroy a civilian population. I consider these actions to represent an ideal terrorist organization.
When I visited old Jerusalem, which should be a stop for anyone to visit as it has so much history of three world religions, I was constantly shouted out Jew! Jew! Jew!. I don’t know how they knew I was Jewish. I wasn’t wearing any jewish give-aways… I was just taking pictures of the temple mount, which is an extremely holy place.
…Anyway, back to the point of this forum. It is great that Israel has granted free visa entry to Taiwanese citizens. Both Countries emphasize the sciences, so I believe they will benefit from increased interactions.
Incidentally, a number of those countries that granted Taiwan visa-free visits did so by listing Taiwan as part of China in their visa regime.
And there are more than just the two countries cited in the article that does this. I wonder how would the pan-green people react to this if they want to visit those countries. Would they insist on getting a visa even though they don’t have to?
[quote=“bohica”]Incidentally, a number of those countries that granted Taiwan visa-free visits did so by listing Taiwan as part of China in their visa regime.
And there are more than just the two countries cited in the article that does this. I wonder how would the pan-green people react to this if they want to visit those countries. Would they insist on getting a visa even though they don’t have to?[/quote]
That makes no sense, since not many countries save for communist countries grants visa free status to Chinese (PRC) citizens.
Does your average brilliant visa bureaucratic know the different between the people’s republic of china and republic of china?