Nothing difficult about this. I’m not trying to convince you of anything. Again, you need to read more carefully. It appears, from your first and subsequent posts, that you have an agenda and used my post as a vehicle to air the same. nevermind that your assumption was faulty to begin with.
How does this further faulty conclusion further anything you have to say? And why is it so difficult that two different people might think similarly on a particular issue? Are you not an individual? Are you rather a clone of other people who agree with your position?
Nonsense. Except for the part about a group of people “out to get us”… Al Qaeda has explicitly stated that it is “out to get us” and has in fact acted on this threat. I guess you don’t read the news very much.
“As ever”? I don’t think I’ve had the pleasure of discussing anything with you previously. “Unfairly insulting people”? Hey, this is a message board… where would we be without unfair insults. Go ahead.
No dice. Your statement above confirms my suspicion that you had an agenda to air and even though my post wasn’t on point for you, you just couldn’t resist jumping on it and making groundless conclusions.
“Hypocrits”? How? “Holy War”? Who is dragging who into a “holy war”?
Uh, I don’t practice any organized religion. I don’t follow any religious leaders. What are you talking about?