Israeli held in Taiwan for over a month after road rage

“Fuck you.”

I have added commas, but I fear they don’t have the effect I desire. :idunno:

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If you keep that up, you’ll soon be in the Taiwan News.


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Jesus, I’m pulling my socks on and really need to get to the hardware store…just…just move on. :wall: :laughing:


There is no “wrong” way. Both ways are used in Buddhist swastikas…


i was not aware of that. gotta love that they just shrug about it. too much suffering in life to worry about impermanent things like the directions of symbols.

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Not just Buddhist many cultures

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Did you even read your own headline?

“Nazi imagery from Taiwan stems from ignorance, not hate, analysts say”

Taiwanese do not care about Jewism (or Christianity for that matter) one way or another.

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True but irrelevant, in these cases it was definitely used in a “swastika as in the Nazi party symbol”-context.

You want to argue. I see. Good luck with that.

You don’t speak for all Taiwanese. Just like I don’t.

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totally relevant, when you say the symbol is a historically detached object or prop, you seem to forget that taiwan has a lot of buddhism. context.


Yes, but the American in question is not criticising that regular Buddhist use, he is offended by the use in a specific Nazi Germany context.

:+1: :+1: image

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Taiwanese News for those who want to see the other side of the story




Thanks for the update.

“Prosecutors believe that… crime is clear, and he will be prosecuted for the crime of robbery and causing serious injury according to Article 332, Item 2, Subparagraph 4 of the Criminal Code”

Wonder if Ben from Israel is still in jail.

This thread seems to have a bit of unrelated material.

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Shows perfectly the superbly well working Taiwanese judiciary system. It’s a splendidly thriving democracy here …

It’s clear why most people use dashcams here, without it wealthy people will make up their side of the story…

Every day you can see car Vs motorcycle here. Yes both break rules but it’s 99 percent car drivers endangering lives … every km or so riding my bicycle in Taichung I get cut by cars turning right and have to break sharply. It won’t take forever until I have no way to break as quickly and crash into their car, and then without a dashcam likely car driver wins even though he cut me…

I am still waiting for the record for his first trial, but you can take a look to see why Lior is in jail and finally prosecuted for the crime of robbery and causing serious injury according to Article 332, Item 2, Subparagraph 4 of the Criminal Code (as mentioned by tango42).


Bizarre incident. First a luxury car driver is not minding his own business [isn’t he supposed to play with his latest iPhone or something while waiting at a red light?]. Then the Israeli guy [戰鬥民族, wtf, can’t help but do racism right at the top of the article?] is probably flipping him off or something [which I think would be a typical reaction], then the rich guy starts chasing him [which I think would be a typical reaction], then the man from the “fighting people” can’t get away on a scooter [which I think should not be too difficult in downtown Taichung, just go through a few alleys, dude], then the driver stops and opens the window, probably shouting at him, then Lior [that a common name in Israel?], sees the LV bag and tries to snatch it [probably thinking sth like “if you shout at me, I steal your sh*t”]. Really? How dumb and unnecessary is this whole incident? I mostly don’t get the last part. Why on earth would you grab someone’s LV bag?


I prefer ladies with Birkin bags.

I agree. Grabbing the bag doesn’t sound right and doesn’t make sense (maybe it was added after the fact? to make the charges more severe?)
incident escalating into fist fight after car chases scooter, i can imagine how things escalated… The driver wanted to be Macho Man but instead got beat up severely…
Maybe he wanted to take the bag and throw it somewhere to keep the driver busy while he is running away? we don’t know…