It is now illegal to walk your dog in Saudi Arabia

and the punishment for walking a dog or cat is confiscation of the animal.

Saudi police to enforce pet curbs
Man walks his dog in Riyadh
Dog walking is a fairly rare pursuit in the Saudi Arabian capital

The Saudi religious police have reportedly vowed to strictly enforce a ban on the sale of pet cats and dogs in Riyadh and walking animals in public.

A senior official said it was to stop a rising trend of people trying to evade strict rules on sex segregation.

The claim is that men were using their pets as an excuse to meet women, which is banned in places like restaurants and cafes between non-married people.

Previous bans in other cities have been widely ignored, correspondents say.

The penalty for people found walking pets in the Saudi capital is confiscation of the animal, according to reports in the local press this week.

The religious police - known officially as the Commission for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice - has the job of enforcing Saudi Arabia’s strict interpretation of Islam.

In the past they have targeted things like western pop music, fast food or the exchanging of gifts on St Valentine’s Day.

However, correspondents say someone walking a dog is an extremely rare sight in Riyadh, much less walking cats.

I’ve lived in Dubai for a year and not seen a single dog. The only stray’s are cats. Apparently dogs don’t survive the extreme temperatures, although that doesn’t make sense because Australia has wild dingo’s up north.

Dogs are considered to be ‘unclean’ animals in the edicts of Mohammedanism.

F*cking Arabs…the only reason the damn country didn’t stink to high heaven was because the strays ate the garbage.

oops…mighta wrote something anti-cultural / non-PC or some rot

[quote=“trebuchet”]A senior official said it was to stop a rising trend of people trying to evade strict rules on sex segregation.

The claim is that men were using their pets as an excuse to meet women, which is banned in places like restaurants and cafes between non-married people.[/quote]

Which leaves me to wonder how men and women ever meet, enough to fall in love and get married, in Saudi Arabia.

A friend who spent a couple years living in Saudi told me the segregation is so strict that it results in very high rates of homosexual activity among young men there. Ironic, for such a prudish, conservative society.

Family gatherings and arranged marriages. Love rarely is applicable. Sometimes, but its not generally seen as a requirement for marriage.

Don’t we all want to live in lovely Saudi Arabia?

Could be.

I’m reminded of that old Cure song Kissing an Arab.


Well, not necessarily.History shows us that the Victorians were pretty conservative and repressed and they were often, shall we say, “experimental”.

Anyway, If I think back to home , I can’t remember any of my Muslim friends owning dogs. I remember a fair few having cats or parrots though… so I guess its a cultural thing

Turing has it right:

[quote=“Stray Dog”]Turing has it right:[/quote]Alan Turing? Father of modern computing, help break the German Enigma code, then prosecuted for homosexuality and died in suspicious circumstances?

How on earth are they going to monitor whether dog owners take their dogs for a walk often enough or not? Don’t think they are going to enforce that law seriously.

How on earth are they going to monitor whether dog owners take their dogs for a walk often enough or not? Don’t think they are going to enforce that law seriously.[/quote]

well i love the fact that some countries protect dogs as much as they do… or maybe just Italy… anyway i think its too much, they should spend more time fixing other problems… or how would the monitor that law, by having a police office in front of your house 24h a day until he makes sure that u did what u were supposed to… morons jejeje

actually in italy there is another law for fish bowls, they cannot be circular bcz it damages the eyes of the fish, and there is also a huge fine for that…