IT Jobs in Taipei, salary?, I got 4 year C/C++ experience & looking for a job

Hi there,

I am coming to Taipei in March 2004, and I am looking for a job in IT, I am a software developer with 4 years experience (mostly the C and C++ languages, also VB. And, somewhere still tentatively accessible in my brain, Pascal and assembly language)

Does anyone know what salary I can expect?

Is it difficult now to find a job in IT?

Any IT / software developers that already work in Taipei can please get in touch with me?

For my full resume (CV), please take a look on
(sometimes the page is inaccessible for a short time)


Breda, The Netherlands

You should start look for the jobs in international companies while you are still in Holland. I believe it is really bad pay in Taiwanese IT companies and probably two weeks holiday per year.

Let me know if you find jobs in IT area. Both my bf and me are in this area.
