It's a Girl!

Rio Ayu was born this evening after a rather quick labor at 9:44PM. She weighs 2.620kg and is 47cm tall/long. The nurses all “Ohhhed” and “Ahhhed” and said she looks just like me! :shock: Free virtual pink cigars to all. :smiley:

Congratulations! That’s great news!

Thanks. :smiley: I hope to have a photo or 2 up tomorrow.

Welcome to the world, as we know it, little Rio Ayu! And mazel tov omedetto gozaimashita gonshi gonshi to the proud parents!

congrats blueface, glad to hear all is well.

Although I’m a bit disappointed that you didn’t go for Rot, Elvis, Twist or Spot. Maybe next time, eh?

Although I’m a bit disappointed that you didn’t go for Rot, Elvis, Twist or Spot. Maybe next time, eh?[/quote]

If it’s a boy. :laughing:

Congratulations! Now stop spending so much time at the Korova Milk Bar and get home to your family!

Congrats, a toast of best wishes goes out to you and yours. (At last an excuse to crack open that beer). :smile:

Congrats. Better… Girls are easier to bring up than boys… For the father at least.

Congratulations to to everyone involved in this production. You too blueface. :smiley:


Congrates BlueFace, Also, may I asked how you come up with the name, Rio Ayu? :wink:

I puff on your virtual cigar and raise my virtual glass to the good health and happiness of the Blueface family!

You mean she came out with Raybans and a smoke hanging from her mouth? Gawd help us when she gets 'puter savvy. Daughter of Blueface!



Now we’re going to get blueface all through the night too! Congratulations, to you and lady blue.


congrats! does she have a Chinese middle name or other?


Congrats to you and the blueface taitai and welcome to our little corner of the world Rio Anu …

With all of the babies being born to us forumosan’s we should create our own forumosa daycare…


With all of the babies being born to us forumosan’s we should create our own forumosa daycare…[/quote]

I can see it now. A new forum - forumosa babies. All the kids sitting at computers posting away trying to earn guanxi $ and playing guanxi lotto, perhaps we should introduce a candy reward system for them.

I hope they don’t learn online etiquite from us, or spelling from me.

They’ll probably hack into forumosa and start taking funds from our guanxi bank.

I think too much, right?

Congratulations Blueface:

I was not quite sure what the thread was about initially (you know some of that stuff you post…) but all the best to the new addition to your family.


Congratulations, Blueface!

All of my best to you, your family, and the new addition to your family.

Welcome to the world, Rio Ayu!