I can’t say much about this as I am quite disturbed by it.
It’s a home movie from hell, featuring a group of young girls dressed as suicide bombers and terrorists, waving knives and guns and holding dolls, performing a school play somewhere in Gaza. A doting father carefully adjusts his daughter’s suicide bomb belt so it will look just right for the performance.[/quote]
The kids are preschoolers. The parents are idiots. littlegreenfootballs.com/weblog/ … eater&only
Watch the video.
Well, it’s no different from what’s going on here in the US.
Massive Memorial Day parades, kids out waving their flags and saluting American kil-I mean American soliders. :s And some of them actually will dress up in a mock military uniform and then run around with friends and spray water guns at each other while waiting for Dad’s bbq.
[quote=“Namahottie”]Well, it’s no different from what’s going on here in the US.
Massive Memorial Day parades, kids out waving their flags and saluting American kil-I mean American soliders. :s And some of them actually will dress up in a mock military uniform and then run around with friends and spray water guns at each other while waiting for Dad’s bbq.
I see what you’re getting at nama, however, playing war in the backyard is not the same as institutionalizing hatred and suicide via explosive vest in a school play.
What kind of sick mind rushes to equate a US Memorial Day parade with the video of Islamofascist terrorists? This leftist disease of rushing to blame America first for everything is reaching epidemic proportions. Shall we put down the left like the sick and decaying creature that it is? Let’s go to the VET to find out! haha
See that dental work? It’s a sign that you have been bad and God is punishing you. Now, rethink your views and start voting Republican or the real pain will begin! You have been warned haha
I see what you’re getting at nama, however, playing war in the backyard is not the same as institutionalizing hatred and suicide via explosive vest in a school play.[/quote]
No? If I had the time, I would love to tape some of the stuff I’ve seen here on tv. I go to the movies and see an ad for joining the Army. I turn on cable tv and the History channel has a war movie marathon for Memorial day. Bush is giving a speech to the millitary about how important it is to supress the power of “these groups”, that “these people” are a threat. Of course playing war is a form of institutionalizing. That fantasy play eventually become the foddler for future dreams. Especially if it gains Dad’s approval/pride.
Sure, with our educated minds, JD, you and I both know that “these” represent terrorist cells/fractions/groups. But a great deal of people in the US still tend to group Iraqis as whole threat.
Don’t let me even get started on the darn Christians here. :fume:
Amazing what passes for an education these days. Jaboney has officially lost his Twisted Moral Equivalency Award, as Namahottie has torn it from his hands and is wearing it proudly.
Oh no please do. Please tell us about the evil Christians capturing Muslim girls and cutting off their heads. What’s that you say? It hasn’t happened in about a thousand years? Well surely there must be something else. Come on now, get started.
If this is the general quality of what passes for leftist intellectualism these days, then my god, I may have to start voting Republican.
No? If I had the time, I would love to tape some of the stuff I’ve seen here on tv. I go to the movies and see an ad for joining the Army. I turn on cable tv and the History channel has a war movie marathon for Memorial day. Bush is giving a speech to the millitary about how important it is to supress the power of “these groups”, that “these people” are a threat. Of course playing war is a form of institutionalizing. That fantasy play eventually become the foddler for future dreams. Especially if it gains Dad’s approval/pride.[/quote]
Praytell oh Enlightened one, please explain to us how American war movies and Army ads are comparable to dressing children up as suicide bombers and in fact, encouraging children to become suicide bombers. Yes, we’re all ears or should I say eyes.
I do declare that I like Nama but I nevertheless am constantly shocked at the absolute lack of moral objectivity displayed. Ditto for Imaniou and a few others of that ilk that pop in and disappoint. How can it all be just the same to them? I will forget Broon Ale in this discussion since he never offered to take me out on his boat in Mexico. Well, I will be living in up in Buenos Aires and I dont care if he ever gets to see the glorious tangoist paradise since he even looks and smells like a penguin. Yuck. Louse infested shitbag that he is. haha
Please tell us about the evil Christians capturing Muslim girls and cutting off their heads. What’s that you say? It hasn’t happened in about a thousand years? Well surely there must be something else.[/quote]
The Christians may not be cutting off heads, but are involving themselves in something that clearly is a violation of the sacred 10 commandments. I believe that Jesus and all his predecessors were clear on the rules. Throw in a couple of warning from God (floods, plagues, etc). No wonder no one gives religion much respect.
Become a suicide bomber=a hero in Islamic Terrorist culture
+Serve your country and go off to distant lands to kill =a hero in America
You’ve killed and may be dead, but you’re still a hero, somewhere.
I think the last army ad I saw showed a soldier building a school and helping a kid and finished with the cute little “army of one” slogan. I think there might have been a puppy in the background somewhere…
Well go to Army.mil and you will see that you can learn more than building a house. IMO it’s sad, but one must do what one must do in a non-draft enviroment.
Okay I watched this. And all I can say is that it’s propaganda, IMVHO. There’s no difference in my mind btw the Hamas’ video and this because the bottom line is that both groups are using visuals to garner support to maintain and continue destuction. (edit)
The greatest minds of the 20th century never had to use force to cause change or to bend the will of others.
If the West was really sick of all the suicide bombings and IEDs, then they would sell weapons to the terrorists that really work, the same ones they use on the people who do suicide bombings and use IEDs, can destroy houses from the sky, can destroy scores with laser guided accuracy.
The World/ [ not just America] really has two options.
Nuke the whole middle east.
Leave them 100% alone! No aid, no trade, no NOTHING! Give it about 30 years and they will have slaughtered each other. [ mind you, the USA is not stupid, they could make a “killing” selling arms to both sides!