I've just received a veiled threat

At 21:14pm today I received a veiled threat against me (possibly against my life). I’m not sure what I can divulge at this moment, but I feel I should at least confide in someone, in case something happens to me. The person who is supposed to carry out the threat, has already threatened a friend of mine, fortunately in front of two witnesses. The person has also damaged property outside my friend’s apartment. At this stage, I will not divulge too much, since other innocent people are involved who could be negatively affected by association with said offender. My friend and I have been accused by this person of things we are absolutely innocent of. Some of you have known me for a few years now and some of you have met me too and you’ll know that this is no hoax. I am not in immediate danger, but I just don’t want to live with a threat hanging over my head.

AAF, in my extensive experience of being threatened or attacked (I was a pub manager in a rough town, amongst other things), I can tell you that people almost always make threats when they know they have no intention of doing anything else.

I was threatened countless times, by some seriously dangerous people, but it was the ones who never made threats that did end up doing some damage, to me or my property.

Be thankful he’s threatening you; he’s trying to scare you, or bully you, and that’s all. Ignore the threats and carry on, but without offending this person further.

Good luck!


I agree. People who have the marbles to do anything, do it. They don’t swceam and shout about it in front of witnesses. If it’s freaking you out though, get out of there for a while if you can.

The guy isn’t Taiwanese. No triad involvement.The threat came through I third party in South Africa. The offender said nothing about it to me. In fact when I called him, he acted like an angel, but I know of the way he’s been bullying my friend. As I said, he has caused damage to property already.

Perhaps you should contact the police? And if the person threatening you is a Forumosan, I recommend you give full details to Maoman by PM.

No, the person is not a forumosan at all. The only person who can do something about it for now is my friend and the two witnesses who were with her. The only thing I can do is report the number of the person who called me from SA. There is no evidence to link the person in SA to the offender.

The South African police are about to trace the person who called me.

Is the offender a foreigner in Taiwan? I’m not sure you are making yourself clear.

From what I can piece together, the person who is threatening you knows someone you know in South Africa and resides in Taiwan - the person in South Africa has contacted you from South Africa and has informed you that someone in Taiwan is about to do something; or that person has asked the the person in South Africa tho threaten you on his behalf.

Is this correct?

Yes, earlier I did say it wasn’t a Taiwanese person. He is a foreigner.
The person in SA didn’t say that they had any contact with the offender. The person was careful not to threaten in an obvious way, but acted to be concerned that I might get hurt and why. I could have sounded like a friendly warning to an uninvolved party. Where the person got my phone number from is not clear, but I obviously suspect the offender. I do not know the other person in SA.

Damaging property means he wants you to be scared - it doesn’t mean he wants to attack you (in fact, it probably means he doesn’t want to attack you.)

No one who damaged my property ever damaged me. :wink:

He knows what he’s doing - he wants you to be fearful, and you are.

No offense, but could paranoia be playing a part in any of this? At all possible?

All I can do now is wait for the guy to make a move. If he does anything violent, he’ll be eating peanuts in economy class very soon.


I am living in interesting times. Two dramas in one day and a long-standing problem, it might seem unreal, but I can promise you that it is all true.

Sorry you’re having a bad time. :frowning:

you’re handling this all wrong.

change your attitude to:

“threaten me= get YOUR ass beaten”.

find him, shove him against a wall, and watch him squeal. be proactive. that’ll scare him shitless.

No. That would be stupid.

I’ll just give him enough rope to hang himself.


That was a splendid peice of advise I received when i was getting shit from people…
Or you could always threaten to turn his balls into biltong!

Good idea… Never put yourself in an incriminating position.

I have two questions about this:

  1. Where is this stuff happening?
  2. What is the motive of the person who is allegedly making the threats?