January one-month intensive course?

Well, not really. You spend the first two to three years of your life going “buh buh buh”, “muh muh muh” and imitating the various specific sounds of the language(s) spoken around you until you find that some sounds get a response from your caregivers. Your caregivers also quickly figure out what your (unintelligible to outside people) babbles mean, as your brain continues to absorb the language and you get positive feedback in the form of what you want when you say things like “bah-oh”, because your caregivers know that means you want a “bottle”. Babies spend a LOT of time (tens of thousands of hours) acquiring spoken language before they ever come close to producing spoken language, especially grammatical and complete sentences. But yes, going out and talking to people all the time, if you have a foundation, is great practice. But it doesn’t come close to a solid comprehensible input class with a teacher that knows what they’re doing.

Which gets to why I was even posting on here today: a podcast that uses CI for Chinese. I didn’t listen to more than a minute of one intermediate lesson, and it’s in very much China Chinese, but it does seem to do a decent job of repeating target language in an engaging way ‎Comprehensible Chinese(Comprehensible Input + TPRS)| Slow Chinese Stories | Simple Chinese on Apple Podcasts

How does one link to another thread? @Looking for an online teacher/class that stresses comprehensible input - #4 by TroubleWithTribbles