Japan Turns Back to Nuclear Power


As any competent government would…

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Their handling of Fukushima wasn’t considered competent when it happened. hopefully they spend a few yen on those issues as well…

Yes. Fukushima happened because they ignored safety evaluations and failed to move the generators to the second floor, where they would have been safe from the flood. But new designs still wouldn’t meltdown even in Fukushima conditions. It’s impossible because without coolant there is also no fuel.

They also needlessly evacuated a large area, causing more harm than the meltdown ever did.

They are talking about restarting old ones. and with a history of ineptitude…that’s what people are likely worried about. not politicians’ promises for the best of the future at some unknown future date :wink:

I’d hope the previous disaster would have them on their toes.

My electricity bill for last month was twice what it normally is in July and the government is nagging us to cut back on power usage so it’s clear they’re getting desperate. Bout time they turned the nukes back on.

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Me too. But I doubt it. Humans haven’t had a huge history of learning from their mistakes. It’s really the main/only reason I dont want nuclear. The people in charge are not qualified enough to figure out safety, prevention etc. None of them. So far nuclear is great on paper, the human aspect has a poor track record.

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