Japanese slur word?

Mod Lang wrote:

mod lang, JAPS is a slur word. can you edit that out? thanks. what’s next: Kikes, wops, niggers, sluts, cunts?


I don’t think ‘Japs’ is a derogatory term. ‘Nips’ yes, but to me Japs just seems like an abbreviation. What do others think?


Bu En Lai,
Your fellow countryman agrees. I don’t have any problem with the word “Japs.” But in the interests of compromise perhaps Mod Lang could find another short form for Japanese: Japers, Japas?

On the other hand, if they’ve seen this maybe they’d prefer to be called Japaners? :wink:


IMHO Japs is offensive in the same way as Chinks etc.

Perhaps because you aren’t Japanese? :wink:

Japs, although offensive, can be used as a short form of Japanese. Perhaps Nips, although offensive, can be used as a short form of Nipponese (Nippon=Japan in Japanese). I’ve been called a Canuck, although I’m not from Vancouver nor play hockey and I’ve been called a leafer. I guess MOD LANG was being lazy and couldn’t be bothered to write Japanese although it’s only four more key strokes.

BTW I’m not condoning his statement just trying to make a point.


During WWII, those US servicemen that were not in the Pacific theater called them “Japs.” Those who were, and the ones fighting them called them “Nips.” Ask any Japanese (one of which I live with) and you will know that they are impolite terms better left to you and your non-Asian drinking buddies.

“Japs” is impolite, similar to “Chinks”, because afterall, they’re not JUST shortened terms. They’re racial slurs. Everyone knows that.
Use a few more keystrokes next time, ML.

But don’t worry…the Japanese find it perfectly acceptable to use the term “gaijin” to refer to Westerners. Seems being PC is a oneway street. :wink:

Gaijin is about like laowai. Some people find it offensive, others don’t. It means ‘white guy’.

The Koreans face a similar situation. Their word means ‘white guy’ too.

Some Japanese will say that gaikokujin is better, but generally there is about as much animosity attached to it as laowai. If you’re offended by laowai, then you’ll probably think that gaijin is derogatory as well.

I don’t find either one of them offensive.

[quote=“Alien”]“Japs” is impolite, similar to “Chinks”, because afterall, they’re not JUST shortened terms. They’re racial slurs. Everyone knows that.
Use a few more keystrokes next time, ML.[/quote]

There was a “Jap Hair Salon” near my house when I lived in Chiba. No one knew what it meant. I haven’t met many people here who know what chink means. They aren’t particularly offended when I tell them. Even so, to American ears, both are offensive and, in my opinion, should be avoided. I always feel a little weird when watching old John Wayne movies. The way he uses ‘Jap’ is probably about like he expected ‘Japs’ were using ‘Yank’.

When I viewed my post, it was incomprehensible. Have the slurs been automatically changed?

Now I see. ‘Chinks’ has been changed to Asians from China, 'Chinks being c-h-i-n-k-s.

Feeling bored today? Does this minor breach of etiquette really deserve an entire thread? Sheesh, that’s the gist of the thing that bothers people about political correctness - all this nitpicking over minor details that you aren’t really, genuinely offended by, but have to pretend to act “shocked” by to prove how sensitive you are. It’s just a shortenization of Japanese and should be, logically, as perfectly acceptable as Brit for British.

On edit: Oh wait, I see this thread was started by Formosa. Guess that answers the ‘feeling bored’ question.

Just to clarify ML, Formosa didn’t start the thread. I split it off the original because I was curious about whether people found the term Japs offensive or not, but I thought it would take the original post way off topic.


[quote=“mod lang”]It’s just a shortenization of Japanese and should be, logically, as perfectly acceptable as Brit for British.

On edit: Oh wait, I see this thread was started by Formosa. Guess that answers the ‘feeling bored’ question.[/quote]

Mod lang, Maoman, and fellow brothers and sisters: This is my inaugural QUOTE option usage, and I think history should take note. Formosa has finally learned how to fly this airplane, thanks to in air tutorials by Maoman the Goodman.

Now back to basics.

  1. First of all, mod lang, you are wrong, as usual. I did NOt start this thread, as the mods will tell you if you ask. I was responding to one of your comments in the original thread, and Yes, I did make this comment, but the mods decided to make an entire thread of it, and THIS is not what I intended. I was not , and am not in, favor of PC. I was just politely pointing out that for some people, myself included, the term JAP is not such a good one, and as alien says, a few more keystrokes is all it takes.

  2. However, it is true, despite what Mr rEINHARD SAYS, THAT in the UK, people do say JAP and it is not so bad. However, in US and Canada usage, it is a nono. What country did you hail from? All is forgiven.

  3. the term should be as suitable as BRIT or YANK or AMER, because you are right, it is just an abbreviated term for japanese, however…given the way the term was used during WWII, when the Japs were the enemy of the civilized world – whatever that means – given the history of the word, it is a nono today. everyone knows that. But maybe if you are from the UK, you can be forgiven for in that country, it is OKAY. different slang, different skies.
    It SHOULD be acceptable, but it is isn’t. PERIOD. You can either get with the program, as most of us have done, or you can continue with your own spelling. The risk is yours. as Mr Reinhold says, better to use the term with non-asian drinking buddies and maybe not at all. I never use it. except in that example above about WWII.

  4. wrong, this thread was NOt started by formosa, who is never bored, never boring and always trying to bore through the BS of this world, and that sense maybe I am “boring”. But Bored? Moi? Never! I wouldn’t recognizde that word if it hit me in the face. (and don’t start throwing it at me tonight either! :smiley: )

There, my first quotable quote done deal. Happy Maoman? See, formosa can be learned. He’s a learnable animal.

Formosa, go to the UK and start talking about “Japs” in a pub where there are overseas Japanese residents and see what happens. See if they buy you a beer or make you wear one.

In case you haven’t noticed, logic and the English language have little to do with each other. Do you perhaps also think that no one should disapprove of the use of the word “darkies,” it referring “logically” to people who are not white?

The term “jap” presently is – whether you happen to like the situation or not – considered offensive. Check some dictionaries if you don’t believe this.

[quote=“cranky laowai”]
The term “jap” presently is – whether you happen to like the situation or not – considered offensive. Check some dictionaries if you don’t believe this.[/quote]

I can help with dictionary things.

**Random House
Jap adj., n. Slang (disparaging and offensive).

**Merriam Webster

Well, there’s offensive and then there’s offensive. “Jap” is well on the almost-non-offensive side of the scale. It has nowhere near the power of “ch*nk” or “gk" or “wetback” or "nier”. It is comparable to the word “Yank” which many of y’all here have used yourselves. I used the word “Jap” because it sounded breezier and more lightweight than the ponderous “Japanese”, for the same reason many of y’all use the informal “Yank” instead of the formal “American”.

Language is fluid and language evolves. If words that weren’t considered offensive in the past are now considered offensive (such as “Negro”)…well, it can and should work the other way as well. So what if people used the term in WWII? That was nearly 60 years ago, before any of us were born (well, except maybe Wolf :slight_smile: Hey, I don’t get offended by the word Yank. Most Canadians aren’t offended by the word Canuck. Brits and Kiwis and Aussies aren’t offended by the shortenization of their nationalities’ names. So it’s time to end the double standard in regard to the word “Jap”, don’t you think? Out of simple fairness’ and consistencies’ sake.

This reminds me of how ignorant people are offended by the word “Polak” - when in fact “Polak” is the word in Polish for a Polish person! I bet you’re also offended by the term “Russki”, huh?
