be nice?
be nice?
Nice try bub, but I’d fuckin keep at it if I were you.
Nice try bub, but I’d fuckin keep at it if I were you.[/quote]
Ya know,you can just go FU…
Drinking water. Other water.
Nice try bub, but I’d fuckin keep at it if I were you.[/quote]
Ya know,you can just go FU…
damndamndamn [/quote]
See? Don’t you feel better?
Come over to the chief side, young Jedi…
“Be polite, be professional, and have a plan to kill everyone you meet.”
This is one way of looking at it.
This is how cults begin. Welcome back from the hole Chief.
screwing is better than being screwed …
be nice? [/quote]Having been labelled the “be nice preacher” in the past, all I can say is…
:roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao:
“Almost there” eh?
be nice? [/quote]Having been labelled the “be nice preacher” in the past, all I can say is…
:roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao:
“Almost there” eh? [/quote]
so this is your life?
More copulating.
Fewer goats.
[quote=“Dragonbones”]More copulating.
Fewer goats.[/quote]
That’s why we have so many goats
be nice? [/quote]Having been labelled the “be nice preacher” in the past, all I can say is…
:roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao:
“Almost there” eh? [/quote]
so this is your life? [/quote]
Keeping in mind that “The road to hell is paved with good intentions.”
Actually Ive had three mottos that I just keep referring to, going on 15 years:
Know thyself: plato
To thine own self be true: Bill Shakespeare
What goes around comes around.
I’d add this for you youngsters: Start saving/investing for retirement today. You’ll be happy later that you weren’t so stupid now.
I go to all the trouble of clicking on this thread just to find this underwear stain. :loco:
I go to all the trouble of clicking on this thread just to find this underwear stain. :loco:[/quote]
Ok, for you, don’t ride naked as you may snag your bag on your gastank cap.
Today’s tip: pay as you go.
Joke’em if they can’t take a fuck.
That works too!
[quote=“jdsmith”]Actually I’ve had three mottos that I just keep referring to, going on 15 years:
Know thyself: plato
To thine own self be true: Bill Shakespeare
What goes around comes around.
I’d add this for you youngsters: Start saving/investing for retirement today. You’ll be happy later that you weren’t so stupid now.[/quote]
I only got the one… And it’s by Seneca… What you think of yourself is far more important than what others think of you.
‘What goes around come around,’ is a piece of crap. Take St Martin for example. I know you are all familiar with Martinmas (which is today by the way,Topical Tom.) so I won’t extrapolate. To keep it short, roman soldier gives tramp half of cloak. Tramp is Jesus in disguise. Martin gets made a saint. He was f£cking lucky, thats all. I’m nice to people and still tread in dogsh*t. I see scum win the lottery. Ass wipes.
GOOD philosophies include: