Ji32k7au4a83 is a bad password and Taiwan users know why

Funny. On a Taiwanese keyboard with the Zhuyin Fuhao layout, the string spells out 我的密碼, or “wǒ de mìmǎ,” which means “my password” in Mandarin.


Funny they know about something as obscure in the west as a Zhuyin keyboard but can’t seem to build a PC properly.

Shots fired!



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So it means that wodemima or w0d3m1m4 are safer passwords than ji32k7au4a83?


I use ixpdnanhpelomf

Should we ask what’s the meaning behind it?

it means 我的密碼 in Boshiamy IME. ix for 我 pdna for 的 nhpe for 密 and lomf for 碼

You could also type ix d xe tf to get the same thing, but for passwords, the longer the better.

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I don’t know how to build a PC :frowning:

Well. If you attempt at building a computer, DON’T DO THIS.

Brought to you by The Verge.

If this conversation has any relavence to my financial security, i might just go back to digging holes in the yard…

All the more reason to fight against digital currency and cashless society problems.

Im collecting shiny rocks and seashells as we speak. Contact me in 20 years for exchange rates.

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I watched a review someone did on that video, I even felt embarrassed

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You should be collecting bottle caps

And can tabs…daddy needs a new wheelchair.

This might be helpful if grandpa forgets his password.

Wo de ma ya!