Jimmy Soong Picks new Attorney General: Prosecutor Karma

I am surprised all the conspiracy buffs and key-bored commentators have not latched onto this. The new Attorney General (the one guy with the biggest prosecutorial authority in Taiwan; remember the Minister of Justice is just a very empty figurehead, the A.G. is the King of the Prosecutors) Chen Tsung-min was the prosecutor who gave Jimmy “The Thief” Soong a pass on a major prosecution several years back (I am talking about the Shen Piao An case in 1999).

In return for senior public prosecutor Chens wisdom and kindness James Soong made it his personal business to see that all the People First stooges voted to confirm and allowed newly enthroned ROC Attorney General Chen to be confirmed.

Attorney General Chen has a reputation among working prosecutors as being kind but spineless. Right man for the job.

Yours in Prosecutor Karma,
Former Deputy District Attorney Brian