I’ve been offered a job teaching kindy at a private elementary school. The package is fair, and no tax because it falls within the school system rather than buxibans. And I get paid for the first month to write up the following semester’s curriculum in the afternoon.
My hesitation comes because of the class size - 15-20, depending on enrollment. I’ve been lucky for the past couple of years and the largest class I’ve taught was 12 in number. More usually they’ve been around 6-10.
I get strong input into the textbooks we will use and have a good one in mind. And the Chinese teacher is there to help me alongside her duties.
I’d really like some feedback on whether this sounds doable in a good way. Aka: how to teach a class of 20 pre-schoolers in a way that is effective/satisfying and with a minimum of wasted energy.
Some key aspects I have in mind are making sure I get a good textbook, good routines for the class, and involving the Chinese teacher as much as I can.
Any ideas/examples of how to make it work would be welcome.