Joe Biden: U.S. President

My main point is most people aren’t even bothering to comply anymore.

you were anti mask from the beginning. maybe do a little soul searching?

of course there are more effective measures to get covid under control. hard lockdowns, no sports,concerts,assemblies of people. full bans on international and domestic flights. it’s quite rigid.

since nobody could agree on that, milder measures were taken into place. and even the mildest of the mild, like wearing a mask, keeping distance, washing hands are too much for qanon guys. these small habits have been proven to be effective yet for some people political ideology is more important than their own health.

Yeah, I need to take a hard look in the mirror and ask myself why so many people seem to come around to my point of view eventually.

So, tell us again why we need vote by mail?

we’ll see. you know even in 2016 the majority voted for hillary. we’ll see about it this november. just keep your ar-15 put, no matter what happens.

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I’m sure the guy you see in the mirror always comes around to your point of view.

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Come again?


And a new meme was born.

This was the embedded tweet he retweeted.


Much better than Despacito, ha ha.


That Despacito thing was adorkable. It will clinch him the pity vote.

Yeah, but Fuck the Police will get him the coveted BLM vote.

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It’s fun when you just KNOW it’s a 100% Joe Biden idea in play.

Yeah, even DNC campaign advisors aren’t that dumb…

Imma stand in front of the podium and play a kewl song and I’ll dance a bit. It’ll be great. Trust me, junkie!

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If you don’t like this song, you ain’t Hispanic!

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Stepping out into the zonas de peligro.

Only 4 years ago, Ole Joe’s voice sounds strong and healthy.


From Robert Reich’s The American Prospect dream factory think tank:

Their new idea to fix everything with a Biden win: expand the federal government. How novel!