Julian Assange (Wikileaks) arrested

Cool Hand Assange

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Assange and Manning …amateurs pfft…they should have used bleachbit and destroyed their cellphones with hammers.

They could have just wiped them with cloths.

Orange Witch Bad. :hushed:

I am trying to cut down on Clinton/Sanders/AOC criticisms…it’s upsetting the Ladies, but I think the world may have dodged a bullet with Hillary. Doh… I did it again :unamused:

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I wonder if he will get conjugal visits from Pamela Anderson

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Oh, so it just relates to the manning stuff…
Nothing about the Podesta stuff?

my :2cents: :
they didn’t allow him use of toilet facilitaties toward the end, or they are making it up.
who thinks that the most highly watched captive in the world would suddenly go on a :monkey_face: ::poop: throwing tantrum?

I guess you’re not aware of how extreme isolation affects cognitive abilities and human behavior. Dude probably progressively lost it over the years.

I know the feeling … Taiwan has its good points too , in fairness :wink:


so, all prisoners do that in prisons?
he had Internet, had Pamela. he had a bit more to help him through psychologically.
I’m all ears, errr eyes, if there’s research into poo-smearing incarcerated people

Did I say that? No. But some certainly go crazy and lose it in solitary confinement.

At work. I’ll give you some research later if you want. But yes, social isolation does have an effect.

no you did not, but you mentioned severe isolation and gave no examples. the most common one that closely relates to his situation is prison. Kidnapping certainly is not comparable.
what other forms of isolation?
CIA experiments? no
Guantanamo Bay? no

Oh you know… there’s just this

And this

And this

And this

And this about someone also rubbing his feces on the wall during confinement

That took me a 10 second google search to find. There’s hundreds of articles about the effects of confinement on the human mind.

And since Assange already looked crazy and neglectful of basic hygiene when he came out.
I’m going to believe the Ecuadorians on this one.

i accept those research pieces, but I still disagree. so, like politics, i agree to disagree

An interesting Glen Greenwald article on the Assange indictment. It looks like Mike Pompeo is the driving force behind it.

He doesn’t need to worry, when released he can get a seasonal job as Santa in any department store.

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From the news video, I couldn’t tell if he couldn’t walk or if they had him hog tied.

He’s gone have fun, one of his associates was arrested in Ecuador.

Amazing after all these years…they have just noticed.

And of course , by sheer coincidence, they have just signed a 4.2 Billion dollar deal with the iMF.

and …6 Billion from the world Bank, French Dev Agency,Inter -American Dev. Bank, CAF bank,Latin African res.Fund,
What a lucky break .