Galaxy II: The Great Escape
July 7th, 2007 (Saturday)
Kaohsiung Business Exhibition Center (274, Jhongjheng 4th Road, Yancheng District, Kaohsiung City)
◎ Taiwan’s First Theatrical Dance Music Performance in a party!
◎ Taiwan’s First Tranforming Stage
◎ Sound System by World Renown L-Acoustics (dV-DOSC)
5 Years of Spunite!
From MASAGO, SWEET, TRANCEFOREVER, IRON DJ, to the first GALAXY party in 2006, it’s been great creating those memories with everyone, not to mention the records which include the 2,500 people attending Galaxy I, setting a new attendance record for Southern Taiwan’s indoor dance parties.
Innovation has always been a Spunite party slogan, and we believe that this is an integral reason behind your support. This year’s Galaxy II will again be original and shine a different spotlight on centre stage: Taiwan’s first Dance Music Theatre Production in a full on massive party! Under the guidance of theatre professionals, we have undergone over six months of rehearsals to coordinate choreography and special effects with the DJ and his music. Incorporating Taiwan’s first transforming stage into the performance is just the icing on the cake that we present to all of you on the dance floor.
The spirit of Rave, embodied by the legendary words of “Peace, Love, Unity, and Respect,” still lives in every one of us. Through innovation, it is our everlasting mission to rekindle this spirit. We hope that each and every one of you can be there as we revolutionize the party spirit and complete yet another page of dance music history.
This is our sincere invitation to you, to allow us to share our hard work and vision with you. Join us as we escape to another galaxy, with the DJ as our guide and music as our reason, and free yourself as the melodies and rhythms resound through space and your hearts.
A year’s wait has led us to this moment; are you ready to become a part of history again? We believe this will be an unforgettable event and welcome you onboard: Galaxy II – The Great Escape.
GALAXY II : The Great Escape
Venue : Kaohsiung Business Exhibition Center (274, Jhongjheng 4th Road, Yancheng District, Kaohsiung City)
Date : July 7th, 2007 (Saturday)
Time : 8pm~5am
Website : spunite.com/galaxy/en.html
Ticket Info:
Limited Advanced Tickets: NT$700 (limited to 560 tickets,includes NT$150 Drink Coupon)
Advanced Tickets: NT$900 (includes NT$150 Drink Coupon,until July 6th)
At the Door: NT$1200 (includes NT$150 Drink Coupon)
Best place to buy tickets for English speaking party people and the best burgers in town!!
高雄 Happy Buddha - 高雄市三民區博愛一路223號 - (07) 323-6953 [8pm~1am]
Other Ticket Outlets:
高雄 GOLDEN服飾 - 高雄市五福二路159號 - (07) 221-9858 [12pm~10pm]
高雄 SAVE TIME - 高雄市玉竹一街17巷26號 - (07) 251-7901 [12pm~10pm]
高雄 I Can艾肯創意 - 高雄市新興區八德二路23號之1 - (07) 286-6278 [10am~8pm]
屏東 化學原宿二店 - 屏東市上海路65號之1 - (08 ) 733-1233 [12pm~10pm]
台南 XLARGE - 台南市國華街二段175號 - (06) 228-4140 [12pm~10pm]
台南 XLARGE - 台南市中西區衛民街56-1號 - (06) 228-1672 [12pm~10pm]
嘉義 JIUN服飾 - 嘉義市忠義街156號 (05) 2244-367 [12pm~10pm]
台中 葛萊美音樂廣場 - 台中市逢甲路26號 - (04) 2451-7617 [12pm~10pm]
台北 有種唱片 - 台北市昆明街96巷20號2樓 - (02) 2375-5518
台北 XLARGE - 台北市大安區敦化南路一段187巷4號 (02) 2741-6612[12pm~10pm]
For posted tickets (5 tickets or more) please call 0980-007-777
DJ Line-up
8pm~9pm Remember
DJ Darren (WhirL) vs. DJ Kami (Freakuency)
[Disco House, Electro House, Vocal House]
9pm~10pm Exchange
DJ Mango (TriProg) vs. DJ Andy Mac (Discharge)
[Progressive, House, Electro, Techno]
10pm~11pm Impact
DJ Ugly (Samadhi) vs. DJ Fat Dirty (Bassment) feat. MC Davi (Luxy)
[Breakbeat, Bigbeats, Drum n Bass]
11pm~12am Infuse
DJ Satan! Vs. DJ JonB (Freakuency Boyz)
[Techno, Tech House, Trance]
12am~12:10am Theatrical Music Performance
ACT I: Beging of Life, Peaceful World
ACT II: Arrival of Evil, Lure of Invasion
ACT III: Defending Ideals, Self Sacrifice
ACT IV: Hope and The Great Escape
12:10am~2:30am The Journey
DJ Super8 vs. DJ Tab (Anjunabeats)
[Dark, Progressive, Uplifting Trance]
2:30am~3:50am The Light
DJ J-Six vs. DJ Cookie (theLOOP)
[House, Progressive, Electro, Breakbeat]
3:50am~5am Future
DJ Nov@ vs. DJ JonB (Ableton Live!)
[Progressive, Trance, Uplifting]