2.33 Ghz Core 2 Duo, 2 GB 667 MHz DDR2 SDRAM: Just arrived today. Expensive as hell. Set up with wireless connection in about 3 minutes. Up and running beautifully. Looks good. Easy to use. Applications really cool. Looking forward to hooking up to home theater system with wireless.
First two experiences tonight…
Just feels good. Feel, look, applications… mmm…
Seems I’m having challenges customizing interface… need some tutoring!!!
MSN version not as new as version on Windows. I’m sure many applications will lag a bit behind windows version. Jumping between chat conversations not as easy. Will probably continue to chat in Windows version.
Working to migrate everything including all windows to this macbook pro. Will install MS Vista, etc. to have both platforms on one laptop.
Think basic Macbook is suitable…
Think basic Windows laptop is good enough for almost everyone. But hey, this thing is a work of art!
Get Adium for you chatting needs, VLC for your video needs, Camino for your web browsing.[/quote]
Second that, except for Camino (I use Firefox, but I’m sure Camino’s good too). Adium is perfect, because you put all your accounts together - so gTalk, MSN, Yahoo etc all appear in the same program. Simple and free.
Get SuperDuper for making back-ups on a daily or more basis.
Trouble free, been using it for maybe two years. My iBook HD expired
a month after buying a new iBook, all was not lost as SD was there.
I was able to start up from the externel HD and operate as if the
iBook HD was fine(toast though), had the iBook replaced when my
schedule allowed and moved the external HD contents to the new iBook HD.
Then the HD expired again last year again, had to replace it
on my dime but the external HD back up was there to save me yet again.
Back-up and save the pain.
Google Earth is nice as well.
FullTilt Poker a winner.
iStumbler for the wifi locations.
I have tons more, if you need some direction.
Cheers, S.
I have no financial or otherwise interest in any of the above.
Any particular reason that you guys are going for the Pro version and not the regular Macbook? Even if I had the money for a Pro, I think I’d still go for a regular one because of the size.
I just got an ASUS A6Tseries~ quite happy… Dual Turion64’s, 15.4" LCD, DVD burner, 100GB HDD, 1GB RAM, wireless and bluetooth… 3D card too~ I have yet to test it out with some real games though, as this is meant to be mostly for work… (it’s officially the missus’ but i’m using it a fair bit)
only real complaint at the moment is that it doesn’t have a darn floppy… and my work pc doesn’t have USB drivers for my flashdrive (it’s not running XP too)…
Make sure the ones being sold at the show are generation two, not one. I see apple taiwan have updated their site but you still might want to check what you’re getting.
A coiuple of friends are trying to persuade me not to get an Apple, as they say it is insanely difficult to fix any problems and you always have to send it away.
Yes, you can. This whole week there is a computer show at the world trade center and there is a big Apple booth. This is your best chance to get good prices.
[quote=“Stray Dog”]A coiuple of friends are trying to persuade me not to get an Apple, as they say it is insanely difficult to fix any problems and you always have to send it away.
Can anyone offer any more advice about this? [/quote]
That is so not true. For one, you will rarely need a repair on you Mac, I have own my last PB for over 2 years now and never had to get it fixed.
However if for some reason you have to get it fixed there are a few places where staffs are very competent and would help you.
Get a Mac, you won’t regret it.
Depends what kind of problems you are talking about. If they are hardware issues, then, yes, in most cases you should send them away allthough it is possible to upgrade ram and hard drives by yourself. Software problems are different. I’ve never actually had any so I’m not sure what you mean. I’ve had the odd little problems with some drivers and doing weird stuff but I have always been able to resolve them without help, and I am not a compooter expert. Photoshop cs and micosoft office 2004 are both easy to get (not from apple) but there are alternatives that can come with your software bundle that work well cross platform. I would also agree with going for the 2nd gen stuff with mac as well.
The biggest problem I’m having with my 5 year old i-book is that it’s getting slow (well, everything else is getting faster) and doesn’t like to run some video codecs straight off the net. If I save them to my hard drive I don’t have this problem. Just old, but not unreliable. if I was making more money I would definitely replace it with a new one. God would that be good…
Computer preference. Depends what you want to do, how you want to do it, how much troubleshooting you are comfortable with, what you are used to, will your friends help you or can you do it youself, and the list goes on. I have yet to hear an anti mac person give a viable reason not to buy a mac.
I have an G4 ibook and the mother board failed a month or two after purchase.
It took a damn while for that to be replaced (a month) because - I was told - Apple has centralized its major hardware repairs in Singapore. Sounds bizarre to me given that they make the motherboards here in Taiwan, but there you go.
I gather that this change occurred about the time my motherboard went so there was a bit of snafu back as they underwent the change. I would guess its a bit quicker now. But you could find out my simply going in to an Apple outlet and asking someone who looks genuine and in the know.
Other than that I’m happy enough. Wouldn’t mind a brand new 24’’ IMac, tho. And for Apple to make some computers that weren’t quite so pretty and fem. Something in between the current Macs and a Sony Vaio would be perfect
Well, Macbook Pro looks great. But not getting much more usage than a regular windows machine… installed parallels software and can run windows. Can switch between both systems easily… so other than a cool looking computer, and some cool looking screens, nothing seriously great to write about.