Kamala Harris can be Black and Indian at the same time

No, we really don’t need to have that conversation, and I find that suggestion odd at best and unnecessarily malignant at worst. We shouldn’t have to have any conversations about whose ancestors did what.

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I, too, wish it was unnecessary. However, the Democrats have foisted it on us anyway.

Before we vote on electing a VP (likely soon to be P, given Biden’s decline) I think it’s a good idea we as a nation come to an understanding about what we can, and cannot do about our ancestry, and agree that statues do not constitute support for slavery in 2020 any more than do ancestors.

In my opinion, it’s the adult thing to do.

There’s nothing Indian about her in nurture only nature. And I do mean East Indian, not the Columbus designated one.

Didn’t her parents divorce and she spent most time with her mother? Is there anything African in her nurture from her non-African father, or is that word no longer relevant?

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She was nurtured by her Indian mother, so “nothing” is overstating it.

all i hear is moo moo moo why am a cow.

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Interesting use of this term in South Africa was used for Japanese?

Black privilege fatigue. Somehow being black almost warrants the Congressional Medal of Honor. Affirmative action, employment quotas, blacks cannot be fired. MSM doesn’t report crime by blacks or gives nonsensical descriptions (5’10” male in broad daylight wearing this brand shoes and that team jersey but we don’t know his skin color.) Blacks use the N word all day long but blacks can punish anyone who doesn’t support BLM. White young mother says “ALM” and BLM supporter shoots her in front of many bystanders. MSM supports this by burying news of the murder.

It isn’t that people cannot be both one thing and the other. It is the trumpeting of race as a badge of honor. Black man shoots 5 year old boy intentionally and the NYT and Washington Post are as quiet as a mouse. The boy was white, no loss. It’s a matter of time before the Leader of the free world is chosen based on affirmative action and being LGBTQ, all-at-the-same-time. The race card is an ace up the sleeve for sure https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1997-nov-07-mn-51145-story.html

Donald J Harris’s mom was white and Donald Harris HIMSELF says he is descended from Irish slave owner.

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I bet there are people are those rags that want to write about it. Seems a zero sum move though…for them. Does the little white boy’s death help or hurt their cause by removing the decades of privileged he would have received? Is future unfairness denied a POC because the little white by died so young and all innocent like, before he could go do bad, immoral and unfair things to POC?

Now, I thought up that absurdity without even trying. Imagine what the NYT and WP can do with their activist crews. Best to hear nothing from them right now about this poor kid’s family. Good god. It’s like the anti-Willy Horton, but still works in favor of the GOP if they play it.

I was born white in E St Louis, 98 percent black. I looked up a (black) classmate the other day, wondering what ever happened to him, On the Internet. He’d been shot 10 times, by a black guy, while he was sitting in his car getting ready to visit his son. The problem of black people is not white people. Trump is a numbskull but might be re-elected by backlash against BLM

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Is there a point in here somewhere?



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This is the problem with getting your information from Wikipedia. This is completely incorrect. During the time Kamala lived in Berkeley, she lived at two different addresses, one on Bancroft Way (which forms the southern border of the UC Berkeley campus, and one on Milvia St. in downtown Berkeley, also very close to campus. Neither are in West Berkeley, which is the industrial area west of San Pablo Ave. The area she lived in, which I also grew up in at roughly the same time she did, is most definitely not “predominantly black.” Not back then, and not now.

The worst part is that Kamala used her background in Berkeley as that gotcha moment against Biden during the debates when she said, “And you know, there was a little girl in California who was a part of the second class to integrate her public schools, and she was bused to school every day. And that little girl was me.” This was a deliberate attempt to create the impression that she was a member of an oppressed minority playing her part in the effort to end segregation.

The fact is that her parents lived where they did not because they were oppressed minorities, but exactly the opposite. They lived there because of the close proximity to the university, where they were both studying for their Ph.D.s.


paternal grandmother

maternal grandmother

Harris claims to be descended from slaveowner Hamilton Brown, the namesake of Brown’s Town.[a][b]

  1. Snopes rated this claim as unproven pending further research, noting that Harris made errors in some of the vital dates he provided for births and deaths of his grandparents.[5]
  2. ^ Politifact found a lineage seemingly connecting Hamilton Brown to Kamala Harris, but noted a number of holes and inconsistencies in the records they examined, which were created by FamilySearch users and were being actively edited at the time.[6]

In the Wiki article there is no mention of a wife, so presumably he abused at least one of his slaves sexually, and the Harris’ claim of descent is from that.

“I have news for you about the descendants of enslaved Africans,” Howard tweeted on Aug. 11. “Damn near ALL of us have a Hamilton Brown in our family tree. Because enslaved women were regularly raped by the white men who owned them.”

your decimal Pointscomment doesn’t stand up

Is picking Harris going to make Biden lose?

A lot of people think trumps chances went up

Nothin like local knowledge

Harris is not telling the whole truth but then neither is anyone else in this game

No one thinks this, who isn’t already rooting for Trump. I’ve yet to see any media “hot takes” or polls that specifically show Harris negatively affecting the ticket.

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