Kang Chiao school (康橋雙語實驗高中) in Xindian


Yes - I have used the search function but can’t find the answer. How much does Kang Chiao International School pay? Am interested. Many people talking about them. Are they one of the best?

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It is odd how people post about schools anonymously but are reluctant to provide salary details.

I would very much doubt that Kang Chiao are “one of the best”. You might be looking at 90k a month. That’s just a guess, though.

I think that’s about the ballpark I’ve heard.

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It’s standard for that sort of gig.

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90k?? That’s loads… I wanna work there!!! makes my offer of 81k miserable

$80k - $90k is the base salary, depending on your education level. The offer they make you might go up depending on how much they like you and how much they need you.

What subject area do you teach?

Elementary all subjects and Middle school English

I don’t know how much elementary and middle school teachers get paid. I only know high school, sorry…

Do you have a master’s degree or an equivalent amount of teaching experience? (The $90k base salary requires a master’s degree)

Hi, is this a masters degree in education?

Do you know the starting salary of someone with a BA degree only and someone with a BA degree and an education qualification?
Also, do you get paid more for having teaching experience in Taiwan?

The salary goes up if you have a master’s. Any subject. Doesn’t matter what type of master’s it is, or how many of them you have.

The starting salary with a BA and zero experience is $74,000/month. Add a teaching credential, and that starting salary is $78,000. Add a MA/MS on top of that, and that becomes $88,000.

Add $2,000/month for each year teaching experience you have.

All these figures are ROUGH estimates. They may try to give you a lowball offer to see if you accept. But do a quick calculation to figure out how much is fair for your situation.

If you have a Masters, don’t settle for this place. This thread is entertaining reading, but it sounds like a nightmare.

I dunno. I have a bunch of mates working there. They all like it.

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The thing with bad schools, or any workplace for that matter, is it’s rarely 100% the fault of either party.

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Thanks for your info.
Does KC offer any allowances such as arriving on time everyday and not missing work for that month.
Housing allowance?
Paid flight tickets after your contract is completed?

Would you need to prove this with previous contracts?

otherwise, you can say anything.

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I understand that, wouldn’t previous work permits be credible too?

With a private school it’s going to be a negotiation. Any evidence in your favour will be as credible as you make it. If they want you then that will increase the credibility.

The first contract I signed with a buxiban is nowhere to be found.
The 2nd one I have a copy of it.
I have my contracts after that.

My references state the years I worked at the schools and all I have to back up my 1st contract is an e-mail that mentions some stuff about “starting from your next contract blah blah blah” but it is a private e-mail account with no e-mail signature at the bottom proving he is the manager of the buxiban.

Is there anyway to get my work permits from the government?