Kansas TECO Visa Claims: Reality Check Needed!

I just finished talking with two extremely nice, obviously not even remotely Taiwanese ladies at the Taipei Economic & Cultural Office in Kansas City. I called a second time as a reality check.

I told them I wanted to fly into taipei in mid May and leave in mid August. The total duration of my stay: 87 days. I would spend the first two months studying Chinese, and the last one bicycling around the island.

No problem, both replied. Just send us that in writing, a visa application, passport, photos, an intinerary, $100 and a SASE, and we’ll issue you a 90 day tourist visa. They didn’t even ask for a bank statement.

Having done visas in Taiwan before, I would categorize this response as “Wildly Optomistic.” My IBNA (Impending Beuracratic Nightmare) Alarm (patent pending) immediately went off. Last time I jumped through numerous flaming hoops for a 60 day multiple entry, only to be told by the kind folks at immigration that it was good for only a 30 day stay. Much hilarity ensued, and I took unexpected Chinese classes. (Not a bad thing, in the end)

So… Has Taiwan somehow, in the last six months, seen the light and ended it’s legacy of rumor and fear driven visa policies, or are these nice and genuine ladies in Kansas out of the loop?

More specifically:

[b]Should I plan to have a school that will allow me to extend my visa?

Will this even happen? Am I throwing $100 away?

Anyone delt with the Kansas office before? [/b]

:notworthy: to anyone helping me either avoid said IBNA, or take the plunge.

Love the IBNA! Let us know how it turns out!

Well, it’s Kansas City. Maybe each TECO office has a quota to meet and you’re in luck Kansas City as it’s majorly behind.

Chop chop!

See you in May.

Seriously… that does sound really bizarre.

I’ve had 2 visitor visas issued by the KC office, one for 60 days (it was free back then), and one for 30 days (paid $100). Regardless of the length of time they issue the Visitor visa for, you now have to pay $100 (if you are an American, and I presume that you are :slight_smile:).

A 60-day Visitor visa can be extended, but a 30-day Visitor visa cannot. The ladies at KC TECO might be thinking that if you send in all the paperwork, that a 60-day Visitor visa will be issued, and then you can extend it when you get here.

Check this out from the KC TECO office http://www.roc-taiwan.org/US/MKC/ct.asp?xItem=13089&ctNode=2772&mp=47 (but as of 2006/8/20). I’ve never applied for a student visa, but the Web site does say something about an Acceptance Letter from the school that you will study at. Maybe this makes a difference?

Good luck!

It appears, for now, to be legit! I received the visa. It has 5 year validity and I can stay for 90 days per entry. Upon arrival, I double checked that with the immigration officer, who confirmed it.