Kaoshiung FamilyMart discounts old food

Bought this at 70 percent discount tonight, ate at the store at Family Mart in KHH, seems new idea (or maybe just some local shops do it). Saw this also at Japan Family and Lawsons last week. Good that try sell it before it goes to the Rubbish bin.

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The local supermarket sells old food discounted but it tastes feral and often makes me sick so I’ve completely gone off it

Are there any wet/street markets where you can buy fresh fruits and veggies?

oh brother…tons of them

Take good care of yourself!

Great! Thanks!
That’s where I like to shop.

just ask at the hotel/place you stay.
they’ll direct you to a few.
that’s where the moms shop in the morning for their daily meal preparation

Its where most people buy veggies (local wet market), for fruits I like buy off farmers trucks/stands or just fruit shops like I find in Japan they have like shops in Taiwan, you can see them scattered over the city as your drive/bike in high traffic areas. Supermarkets are poor choice for fruits as choice is not good and in general prices are not good. Costco I find is good place for fruits too (but in large packs).

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PXMart (全聯/ Quanlian) has surprisingly good cakes and stuff in the refrigerated section, and they’re usually discounted a day or two before expiry.

Surprisingly good = “Hey, this actually isn’t bad!” But don’t run out and seek them or anything.

Unless you’re hard up for cash, I think that’s a good way to get sick. If it’s discounted, who knows how long it’s been collecting dust on a shelf.

They all do. Every supermarket in Taiwan does that with fresh foods.


But 7-11 seems not do it? Wonder do they toss in the rubbish bin or donate it?

I see my local 7-11 does not now, though later than Family Mart which does it 5pm, 7-11 is based the hour the food expires it seems which is most cases it later and few offerings which mean most of their does sit there a long time.