Karl Rove 'proud' of Waterboarding Terror Suspects


[quote]A senior adviser to former US President George W Bush has defended tough interrogation techniques, saying their use helped prevent terrorist attacks.

In a BBC interview, Karl Rove, who was known as “Bush’s brain”, said he “was proud we used techniques that broke the will of these terrorists”.

He said waterboarding, which simulates drowning, should not be considered torture.

In 2009, President Barack Obama banned waterboarding as a form of torture.

But the practice was sanctioned in written memos by Bush administration lawyers in August 2002, providing legal cover for its use…[/quote]

weren’t they denying doing this?


Rove proud? Completely understandable.

Why not? His team has (so far) gotten away healthy and wealthy with successfully selling its 9/11 version (Ends/Means).

[quote]In their book, Kean and Hamilton (9/11 Commission chairmen) wrote that they were unable to obtain “access to star witnesses in custody who were the only possible source for inside information about the i[/i] 9/11 plot.”

The only information the i[/i] commission was permitted to have about what was learned from interrogations of alleged plot ringleaders, such as Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, came from “thirdhand” sources. The commission was not permitted to question the alleged plotters in custody or even to meet with those who interrogated the alleged plotters. Consequently, write Kean and Hamilton, “We had no way of evaluating the credibility of detainee information” that was fed to them by third party hands. “How could we tell if someone such as Khalid Sheikh Mohammed was telling us the truth?”

The fact that video tapes of the interrogations existed was kept secret from the 9/11 Commission.

The video tapes have since been destroyed.


Why shouldn’t he celebrate? Anyone know of a more historically successful story with more far-reaching world-changing consequence?

[quote]Much of the material cited in the 9/11 Commission’s findings was derived from terror war detainees during brutal CIA interrogations authorized by the Bush administration, according to a Wednesday report.

“More than one-quarter of all footnotes in the 9/11 Report refer to CIA interrogations of al Qaeda operatives subjected to the now-controversial interrogation techniques,” writes former NBC producer Robert Windrem in The Daily Beast. …

“… [Information] derived from the interrogations is central to the Report’s most critical chapters, those on the planning and execution of the attacks,” reported NBC. "The analysis also shows - and agency and commission staffers concur - there was a separate, second round of interrogations in early 2004, done specifically to answer new questions from the Commission.

“9/11 Commission staffers say they ‘guessed’ but did not know for certain that harsh techniques had been used, and they were concerned that the techniques had affected the operatives’ credibility. At least four of the operatives whose interrogation figured in the 9/11 Commission Report have claimed that they told interrogators critical information as a way to stop being ‘tortured.’ The claims came during their hearings last spring at the U.S. military facility in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.”


Final 9/11 Commission Report (gpoaccess.gov/911/Index.html)
What “critical chapters”?

102 out of 132 footnotes (77%) cite secret interrogation ‘evidence’
Totaling 291 Secret ‘Interrogation’ Sources

89 out of 192 (46%) footnotes include secret interrogation ‘evidence’
Totaling 273 Secret ‘Interrogation’ Sources