Kawasaki ZZR-400

A friend just told me about one of these going for just under NT$60k (2000 model). Any thoughts? Is it worth NT$60k for a bit of fun or is it likely to blow up soon after I buy it?

'Zit got plates? Not that it matters, really if it’s only 60k. Get caught, they’ll just take it off you, I think.

Yup, legal, duty paid. Sounds like the guy just really needs some cash.

I’m going to check it out tomorrow and give him a decision on Thursday. Unless anyone can give me a good reason why this would not be a good deal I think that decision is going to be, ‘yeh, okay’.

I still want a new big bike as well so the missus is going to go nuts… but, yanno, it’s my money and it’s not like I do arse all else with it except buy porridge oats.

Buy it and sell to me for 40k when you get your new one then. :wink:

go fer it… my hornet’s gunna be goin for 100-110k when I get rid of her… 6k for a zzr400 seems like a good deal… just check on the condition of it~

added just asked for you if it has plates… is your friend sure it has plates? the 6k IS cheap as mentioned, and the plates look sus in the pictures… also, it says this: “得標者會附送一塊裝飾黃牌”

I’m presuming it’s the same bike your friend mentioned

Probably the same bike, and found it also posted here.

I spoke to the guy and decided within the first 30 seconds that this was NOT the legal bike my friend had described and it was all a bit obfuscated. I posted this question before I knew it was the same bike…

問題 7 llaryllama (0)
請問這台車是完全和法的嗎? (完稅, 所有文件, 等等…?)

有沒有辦法先過去看車子? (2007-03-27 19:20:48)
答覆: bigmazinger2002 (14)
部分完稅而已, 文件只有進口報關單(如我敘述裡面說的幾樣大的零件都有進口關稅報關單影印本),車子在桃園我這個週末還有春假會回去,若要看車子可以約那個時候,但是請提早告訴我 (2007-03-28 00:09:29)

Err… so it’s a ‘parts bike’. Nudge nudge, wink wink. Think I’ll pass.

There aren’t any 2002 bikes here that are legal. It’s that simple.
The only legal ones are either pre-1985 (or whatever exact year it is) or post 200? (when they allowed registration of big bikes).

Anything else just isn’t kosher.

That said, 60K isn’t a lot to lose if the cops DO confiscate it, and who knows, you could ride it unmolested for years if you’re lucky.

where are those messages posted llary? I posted on yahoo… it’s up for sale there, same name…

his response was “不知道您說的是哪種牌? 沒有正黃牌,但是裝飾牌我有好幾塊,有壓克力也有鋁的”.

… so no… no plates for sure … that sucks aye~~ anyway, I’ll get back to ya when I have a reply from my friend about the ninja~

sandman > I have heard of a couple of 2nd hand bikes being imported legally… can’t remember what they were though…

[quote=“x08”]where are those messages posted llary? I posted on yahoo… it’s up for sale there, same name…

his response was “不知道您說的是哪種牌? 沒有正黃牌,但是裝飾牌我有好幾塊,有壓克力也有鋁的”.

… so no… no plates for sure … that sucks aye~~ anyway, I’ll get back to ya when I have a reply from my friend about the ninja~

sandman > I have heard of a couple of 2nd hand bikes being imported legally… can’t remember what they were though…[/quote]

I guess he’s just cross posting across auction sites. It doesn’t look like he’s trying to shaft anyone but I think he should have been clearer (on the phone at least) that the bike is 100% illegal. It’s still kind of tempting because you know where I live and there would be no problem riding it around the mountains as a toy.

I’m going to check out the shop you told me about today along with a few others. I’m avoiding Coffee’s place because I just plain don’t like the guy. He’s always been rude and inattentive and the components he’s sold me have been twice market retail price.

PS: what the hell happened to Vroom Vroom / Cars & Motorcycles? It’s just you, me and some Scottish guy with a chrome fetish :wink:

Just for you Llary. A REAL motorcycle. :wink:

The shop I told you about are alright, though don’t sign any deals until I get back to you or unless you have a super good deal (they advertise the price of the ninja at normal prices IIRC)

[quote=“x08”]where are those messages posted llary? I posted on yahoo… it’s up for sale there, same name…

his response was “不知道您說的是哪種牌? 沒有正黃牌,但是裝飾牌我有好幾塊,有壓克力也有鋁的”.

… so no… no plates for sure … that sucks aye~~ anyway, I’ll get back to ya when I have a reply from my friend about the ninja~

sandman > I have heard of a couple of 2nd hand bikes being imported legally… can’t remember what they were though…[/quote]

Haha, I just realised… he’s basically saying he has some fake yellow plates??