Killer Mike Urges ‘Black People and People of Color’ to Embrace Second Amendment

Can you show me the part where God gave us that? I think you have it mixed up with the Torah.


Are you joking?:joy::joy::joy: You realize that if a judge in Miss, LA or any Southern state could do that, their would be a lot of life sentences being handed down.

And the SCOTUS would be inundated.

Don’t stress out RGB. (jk)

Don’t understand this photo. It’s from the 1992 riots but…

1)The NRA says possession of a gun will stop crime.
2) The group most at risk of being victims of crime, including murder, are young black men.
3)Therefore the NRA should support a program of getting as many guns as possible into the hands of young black men.

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I don’t follow.

Especially when it comes to the police being a threat. Because that’s why someone would need a gun, to thwart a threat

The NRA doesn’t care about young black men. Something like 1/4 of all young black men are convicted felons anyways so they couldn’t legally possess guns. And the NRA supports keeping guns out of the “wrong” people, which happens to be those young black men…

But in the old days that’s exactly what the NRA did, trained young black men on marksmanship so they could defend against the KKK.

Is there a link where I could read about this. Sounds interesting.

The NRA was founded in the days after the Civil War by union officers to train in marksmanship.

A few months after the Civil War began in 1861, a national rifle association was proposed by Americans in England. In a letter that was sent to President Abraham Lincoln and published in The New York Times , R.G. Moulton and R.B. Perry recommended forming an organization similar to the British National Rifle Association, which had formed a year and a half earlier. They suggested making a shooting range, perhaps on the base on Staten Island, and were offering Whitworth rifles for prizes for the first shooting competition with those rifles. They suggested a provisional committee to start the Association which would include: President Lincoln, Secretary of War, officers, and other prominent New Yorkers.[16][17][18]

From National Rifle Association - Wikipedia

I am not sure if young black men was who they trained but I read books that said how black men often trained in military drills after the Civil War, which obviously inflamed southerners.

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thanks. I’m going to read up about that.

Comparing the US government to Nazi Germany and the current Chinese regime is unbelievably hyperbolic. You don’t walk down the street and become a felon, or go the grocery store and they arrest you and throw you in jail for ten years. You can probably cite some cases where this happened or appears to have happened but the overwhelming majority of felons actually committed a felony. We can disagree what should and should not be a felony but these comparisons are ludicrous at best. If you commit a felony, yes your rights are reduced.

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Well seeing that Americans commit 3 felonies a day, depending on where you are at and your ethnicity, you could just walk down the street and become a felon. Besides you don’t have to go to jail for 10 years to be a felon. Lots of felonies are just given probation or fines.

Not if you understand how authoritarian regimes begin.

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What’s hyperbolic about it? There’s some straight line comparisons that are obvious

There are straight lines comparing every society in history. Doesn’t mean they are comparable.

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Authoritarian regimes usually aren’t elected and or don’t have terms or term limits. To argue the US government is an “authoritarian” regime is just complete nonsense in my view and not worth my time to argue.

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So what. There are lots of comparisons to be made between MAGA and Maoism, and even more to be made between MAGA and Nazi Germany. You’re seeing it on TV tonight. The closest comp for me to MAGA is Mussolini, but who’s counting.

Anyways, turn on the news right now and you’ll see what is going on in America and how they feel about the current regime.

Read more carefully please.

Hitler was democratically elected.

The Nazis never won a majority in the Reichstag and Hitler wasn’t democratically elected. Hindenburg caved under pressure and made Hitler chancellor. This enabled the Nazis to seize power (which is exactly what they called it). They never had more than 40% of the popular vote.


Well let’s just say most dictators are either democratically elected, or cane to power via a democratic system (by election fraud or manipulation). This is why checks and balance exists.