Kilt Hire in Taiwan

So I have a wedding next weekend. I was home last month and brought back my kilt for the occasion. I foolishly didn’t look inside it’s cover, and now I realize that the sporran is missing! That’s the little “purse” that bobs around on the front of the thing.
It’s very niche and unlikely I know, but does anyone know of any kilt hire availability in Taiwan?? Or any Scottish brothers that may have one? Ordering online will take weeks. Thanks y’all!

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@Banki, congratulations and welcome soon to be a part of the married club.
I don’t have a sporran, sorry.
Bagpipes a part of the festivities?
Open bar?

Haha oh no no no. It’s not my wedding! I’d be a terrible groom. No a friend is getting married and my family would be very cross with me if I wore a suit to a wedding, so I brought the kilt over hehe.
It’s a Taiwanese wedding so no bagpipes and (very sadly) no drinking I don’t think.

maybe put some of those small whiskey bottles in the sporran to pass the time.
have fun :beers:

Yes this is the issue. I’ve nowhere to put my hip flask! No secret whiskey for me.

Maybe find someone to make a new one, maybe something more styled for the locale? Like Taiwanese- Scottish mix?

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That’s exactly what came to my mind as well!
Though I hope you like betel nut - in 阿美 culture, girls will put betel nuts in guys’ bags as a sign that they like them :wink:

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That’s an awesome idea. Scottish and Taiwan Aboriginal influences mixed… Maybe the colors don’t match very well, but cha bu duo

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Oh my goodness yes that is a fantastic idea! If only there was time to get something custom made… Perhaps I can find a bag like this that will fit appropriately in time.

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