Kindergeld for Germans studying Chinese in Taipei?

Hey guys,

well its more for the Germans. I will start to study Chinese at the Chinese culture university in Taipei. I got my admission letter already. Now I heard from a friend, who study Swedish in Sweden, that the German government still pay child allowance for students under 27. I haven’t tried to apply for this yet, does anyone do the same as me? I saved some cash to stay at least one year in Taiwan without a job and the 154 € from the government would be nice :wink:.

So if somebody has some tips about this, let me know;).

PS: sorry for any grammar mistakes, I was always bad in grammar :wink:

Thanks so much guys

Kindergeld is that?

The German government does pay Kindergeld for students under 27, that’s correct, but only if they aren’t married.

Thanks starfish! That’s what I meant. Yes that’s very cool actually…I mean I will live in Keelung, so the rent isn’t that expensive but a little extra cash is not bad at all :wink:.

[quote=“milkalex”]Thanks starfish! That’s what I meant. Yes that’s very cool actually…I mean I will live in Keelung (Jilong), so the rent isn’t that expensive but a little extra cash is not bad at all :wink:.[/quote] Live in Jilong but go to school in Taipei??

Other people might know better than me, but looks like you’d be spending nearly $3000NT and 45 hours a month on transportation to do that (trains are $48NT & 40minutes each way, according to Lonely Planet). $3000NT won’t get you a whole apartment in Taipei, but you could find something much closer!

Is it really that much cheaper to live outside the city?? Vielleicht Ich soll auch dorthin gehen! Aber Ich glaube gibts kein Hefeweizen und nicht so viele schöne Mädchen in Jilong … das geht nicht!

Viel Glück!

hehe, das mit den schönen Mädchen kann ich nicht bestätigen, meine Freundin wohnt in Keelung :wink: Ich mag Keelung, mehr als Taipei. Die 3000 Dollar ist es mir wert und man bekommt ja auch die Easy Card als student günstiger. Sie fährt auch jeden Tag nach Danshui, passt schon :wink:

und danke! :wink:

PS: Taiwan beer mit green tea schmeckt mir eh besser als Hefeweizen ha ha :wink:

You know that techinically the Kindergeld goes to your parents, right? Just wanted to make sure. They’ll probably give it to you anyway…

of course my mom will give me :wink:

I had my start in Taiwan financed by the German government as being volunteer in overseas. Really, that what it was. My wife had this idea, I never had believed that would work. All 100% legal of course.

God bless the Arbeitsamt.