Kindies in Taoyuan

A few questions:

  1. Do Kindies in Taoyuan still hire foreigners?
  2. Would being married and having JFRV be an asset?
  3. What kind of hours can you expect from them? Pay?
  4. Names, locations, and/or contact information of any kindies?
  5. What exactly does a foreigner “do” at a kindie?

What I’ve heard, but need confirmation on is simply this:

  1. Yes, probably. Though they can’t advertise online anymore. They have to use agents and hope foreigners hear about it some other ways.
  2. Probably.
  3. 2-4 hours a day, 5 days a week. 700 per hour is/was standard starting pay.
  4. A few general suggestions but nothing solid.
  5. Lots of games.

If you have any information in support of this or contrary to it, I’d LOVE to hear it. Thanks a lot in advance!

  1. Yes,illegally. I know some people whose friends do work with kindies. One even is like a babysitter to some rich little 3 year old and gets paid ridiculous amounts.
  2. Being married seems to help get any job here…
  3. Hours are trickier. Seems like most of them hire for morning. Not sure about the 700 pay, I don’t really ask/care about money enough to ask that.
  4. This I’m not sure about, as I really suck at Chinese… I see lots of billboards as I go by many buildings, though.
  5. What any teacher does at any kindergarten it seems; mop their noses, sing them songs, etc. From what my friend said, his gf basically goes in, does about 3 hours or so of little things, and leaves. I remember him saying she complained there wasn’t much art supplies for them.

Thanks a lot for your contribution, that does help a bit. :slight_smile: