King Car Education Foundation

Does anyone know anything about the King Car Education Foundation? This is a Christian missionary organization that the DPP government appears to be using to prop up English education in outlying areas, as well as other official functions. I don’t know about you, but I don’t think the government should be using religious charities to support education. … _teac.html … izati.html … e_kin.html

I agree. The whole affair, including the stated goals of the missionary organization (Taiwan Ministry: bringing the light of Jesus into a dark country), needs to be publicized. Dark country, my butt. :upyours: :raspberry:

I agree. The whole affair, including the stated goals of the missionary organization (Taiwan Ministry: bringing the light of Jesus into a dark country), needs to be publicized. Dark country, my butt. :upyours: :raspberry:[/quote]

I didn’t even notice that. What a bunch of losers. :raspberry:

They’re not using missionaries to support English education - this is a red herring. The real goal of the program, at least from the perspective of the executive yuan, is to cultivate ties and influence US foreign policy via the Christian right and Jeb Bush.,0,4668323.story?coll=sfla-news-front"

While this makes sense, do you have any other reasons to connect King Car with lobbying for the support of US Cristian politicans?

Interesting suggestion. But I don’t think the Chen administration is so sophisticated. Foreign teachers cost money and this is an organization offering free ones. There’s the real attraction.

We can guess at this all day if we want. Does anyone know anything about this organization? It appears to be run by a King Car corporation
that produces among other famous products, Mr. Brown can coffee. Who owns this group and are they a DPP-filiated group? The Chinese on the website is a little too dense for me.