This past Sunday my girlfriend and I were riding down the street on our way to lunch. Ahead of me, I could see something in the road. It didn’t resemble anything particular; it was just something I knew I had to swerve around. As I got closer I saw what it actually was: it was a small kitten huddled up. Immediately I stopped because I figured the little guy was all freaked out about being in the road. As I was running up to him I realized he wasn’t moving, so I knew I wasn’t going to be putting him on the sidewalk to let him run off. When I grabbed him I saw he was a mess. He was starving, he was dirty, he was all congested, his eyes were gummed up with mucus and his face was all covered in it. I tossed him in the scooter helmet box, drove back home, set him up with food and water in a cage, then went to lunch.
When my girlfriend and I got home from lunch, we checked him out to see how bad off he was. I was holding him and petting him. I started to stroke his chin and neck. It felt smooth and slimy from pus. Now I’m thinking he had an elastic around his neck, but my girlfriend could see better and saw that he had been bitten in the neck. My girlfriend decided to see if our vet was open and luckily he was. He said he would see the kitten. We brought him down. The vet confirmed that he had been bitten and gave us some anti-biotics for the for the chest infection .
Since Sunday we have been taking good care of him. After he eats I spend as much time as I can holding him and talking to him. He’s quite a trooper. He talks back to me usually to complain that he is hungry, but he talks to talk back to me. He is always real happy to see me and he never stops purring. As long as his neck doesn’t get infected, the doctor thinks he’ll make it. I think so, too because he is walking, purring, complaining, eating, peeing and pooping and he is no longer oozing mucus from every orifice in his face.
Anyway, I already have four cats - three of which are strays - and unfortunately I cannot add another one to the family. I am really hoping that someone will be willing to take him. I am willing to keep him until he recovers. All I do ask is that whoever takes him pays half the costs of his medical needs. I will be posting his picture soon. His name is Lou 路. The name was the vet’s idea and was originally going to be Road. You can either send me a PM here or you can call me at 0921827280 between 7 am and midnight. Thanks.