Knife attack in Kawasaki, Japan

Not a firearm I’m sure, but there must be some possible statute that could be applied

I think that if you’re shot with a handgun, and the bullet misses anything vital (including major blood vessels), the odds are very good that you’ll survive. Bit of a crapshoot, though.

That’s less true for some rifles due to higher bullet velocity and cavitation. A low velocity .22, assuming it misses anything vital, should be survivable. Less true for a .223, which due to velocity is much more dangerous. Almost the identical bullet caliber, but different velocities make all the difference.

Knives give me the willies, though. I wouldn’t exactly line up to get shot rather than stabbed, but … I think I’d prefer being shot, frankly. I was a wayward youth back in my day, and I’ve seen some awful knife violence.

Flamethrowers aren’t regulated by Federal law, but I bet there are local laws at least in some places. I don’t think it would be wise to flaunt one in public, especially if there are cops around. You could end up taking the room temperature test pretty quickly that way.

holy shit, is that correct? I need to find a way to move to the Us.

I read more have been killed with 22lr than any other caliber. Don’t discount the lowly 22 either.

Number of victims of murder cases in japan (and number of suicide and unemployment rate, below)

historical lowest number of murder cases is in 1944.


A gun you can deflect or jam, a knife cuts any way you try to grab it. At least as per our self-defense instructors.

In the old country, they have only had one incident that can be called a mass shooting. There was a private security guard who was bullied and he just snapped. Killed almost everyone in the business he worked for, then shoot himself.

There have been a couple of really bad bank robberies, especially right after the war when people still had AK 47s around.

Knives are more sporting.

All of this is false. 300 yards center mass on a live target is pretty amazing …are you serious right now? Body armor does stop rifles. Depends on the grade it is.

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My friend got shot point blank by a 22 6-7 times and didn’t die. It’s not really a good gun to kill someone unless you shoot them in the head. It’s advantage is that’s it’s small and easily concealed. So you can carry around to a big crowd and no one would see it.

If you wear class III or IV body armor, weights 40 pounds minimum, yes they will stop rifles. You’ll be in pain for a while because it’s literally like being hit with a sledgehammer.

Most armor is IIIa at most, those won’t stop rifles at all.

But it’s not like civilians walk about to body armor. I’ve know some people who are gun and military nuts that have them. But it’s just for fun and collection. Barring that one crazy friend who asked to get shot…hes still alive today. And that’s not the stupidest thing he’s done either.

As if you need to study murder rates every time something horrific happens… In cities like Tokyo there are people living so isolated and marginalised from society, and then they end up committing these kind of crimes. Same with those killings in Taipei metro before.

How dare you present facts? What about the good ole days where everyone was richer, safer and had more freedom?

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The killer in Taipei metro was a college student living at home with family. He wasn’t isolated and marginalised as much as he was extremely anti-social and shit.


You ever wore a class IIIa body armor in Taiwan summer? I have. It sucks, bad. Some of us took to removing the Kevlar from the vests because it’s freaking hot and it’s not like we have any chance of getting shot anyways. Plus it’s not like the vests we wear would stop whatever were armed with during guard details, in case someone got too Taiwanese with those assault rifles (people have died this way). Nobody is stupid enough to shoot at an armed soldier with modified air gun.

**dont blame the west

The reasoning seems to be: The West is dominant, which is the same thing as omnipotent, and therefore bears responsibility for everyone’s problems everywhere. But no meddling!

Which makes perfect sense to morons.

The West needs to kick the rest out of the nest.


Interesting how during WW2, when the Japanese soldiers were away in China, Vietnam, Philippines, Laos, Cambodia, etc doing horrendous things, the murder rate in Japan went down and then went up after they returned to Japan.

Looks like as Japan industrialized, the murder rate went down as people got more money.