Late electricity bill

Whoops…I’m housesitting and I thought I paid all the bills but now a final notice came yesterday. I had no idea what it was (not an envelope, just a postcard type notice)…I took it to school and they told me its a final notice. It has to be paid at the Electricity company down our street…before the 22nd. Well, theyre only open till 5pm on weekdays so I missed it.

Got back home and went through all the stuff and found the first bill(its also a postcard…not in an envelope)…

now what? They are closed over the weekends, so I can’t pay it before the 22nd! I don’t want these ppl to come home to a house with no electricity! Has anyone ever gotten this kind of notice and do they cut it off?

Yeah, I love how sometimes the deadline is on a weekend or holiday… :loco:

I had mine cut off once, too. I also did not know what the postcard meant, and the electricity was cut off Friday night when I got home. I paid the bill first thing on Monday morning before work, and the electricity was on when I got home.

I think they said it would be turned on within the hour, for whatever that was worth.

If you can pay it on Monday, hopefully the electricity will be turned on before they get back.

Good luck.

thanks…they return on Tuesday. I’m not used to these postcard type notices!