hi peeps…I guess things are different in TW then in USA…well in office I kinda like this girl…I gave her signals that I would like to have short term relationship and hook up with her…such as crossing my legs and other stuff. well at first she flirted back and was kinda into me and the whole thing. But I realized that I shouldn’t do this in office. so I backed off without saying anything. Now she is kinda pissed and I heard indirectly from people hinting that it was a sexual harrasement and I am getting sued maybe …I was a supervisor and she was an employee…I never touched her just some rude body languages maybe. so…well I am moving back to the states and if she wants to sue me must I come back? or law doesnt’ apply in different country or what…someone tell me something lol I am real bad at this. I think she is just a bitch and wants to sue me and get some money…I mean I never touched her and never go on with anything when she says no.
[quote=“okaythen01”]I gave her signals that I would like to have short term relationship and hook up with her…such as crossing my legs and other stuff. [/quote] :shock: WTF?!
Peeps? Like in peeping Tom’s?
2)“I guess things are different in TW then in USA” - Sexual harassment is sexual harassment mate.
3)I gave her signals that I would like to have short term relationship and hook up with her…such as crossing my legs and other stuff. - Crossing your legs? It’s a wonder she didn’t nail you then.
“well at first she flirted back and was kinda into me and the whole thing” Why are you possibly getting sued if you both flirted?
This is indeed a strange post. Is crossing your legs some sort of mating ritual? Perhaps moving them on the dance floor might be contrued in such a manner, but crossing them?
I am not an attorney, but I know that harrassment suits are on the rise in Taiwan. Usually, it is just an attempt to get money out of someone who appears to have money. I have a Taiwanese friend whose brother once touched a female employee’s hand. It was a passing gesture, not overtly sexual. The lady saw an easy mark, and went after the guy with threats of publicity and lawsuit and so forth. My friend had to go and settle with the woman’s family privately in order to clear the matter up. His brother nearly jumped off a building over the incident.
I think she’s just after your money. Hell hath no fury like…If you are moving home and will never return, just laugh it off. I doubt she can get to you once you are home. If you are staying, talk to a Taiwanese friend you trust about how to handle the situation.
Nile crocodiles mate late in the year. The male crocodile performs elaborate mating displays, much like birds do, and then approaches any receptive females. During copulation, which only lasts a minute or two, the pair usually sinks to the bottom of the lake or river. The female is usually ready to lay her eggs about two months later. At this time she comes onto land and digs a nest hole far enough away from the water to avoid any potential flooding. Then she lays a few dozen heavily calcified, chicken-sized eggs in the hole. It is said that she lays each egg on her hind foot and carefully lowers it into the hole. After laying the eggs, she covers them with organic debris and goes back to the water. During the incubation period of 2.5 to 3 months, the mother makes frequent trips to her nest, watching it carefully for the many creatures which prey on crocodile eggs. The eggs stay in the nest, with its rotting debris creating a constant temperature of over 95 degrees, until they hatch, at which time the hatchlings call for their mother. She comes and carries the young in her mouth to the water, where they follow her closely. Mother Nile crocodiles often take their young to out-of-the-way, backwater areas of their lake or river and protect them for up to two years. This is an extraordinary amount of parental care. At two years of age, the young move off to be independent, but they still must avoid the larger crocodiles, which may try to eat them. They reach sexual maturity around 8 to 12 years old.
[quote=“okaythen01”]what? just trying to ask for some help people?
btw peeps=people…
and doesn’t matter what I did before…what’s gonna happen now[/quote]
OK, if you are in the States, I wouldn’t worry about. You made her mad and now she’s trying to scare you. Most xiaojies with their NT$20,000 a month salaries can’t afford a lawyer in the US, much less pursue a foreign judgment. Just forget about it but stop thinking with your dick at the office.
Maybe you should try rubbing your legs together like a cricket next time.
No one can force you to return to a country for a civil lawsuit and it would have to be pretty serious for a criminal extradition.
Well, creating a hostile environment that interferes with the ability to work is considered sexual harassment. So “flirting” like a construction worker at a passing short-skirt could fall into that criminal category, if it were crude enough. Crossing your legs? What does this mean? You weren’t simulating the bump and grind with your crotch as a “subtle” hint that you were interested in her, were you (cuz that’s what “crossing my legs” sounds like)?