Leaning towers of Taipei Disaster (sad for home owners)

It’s why everyone should have renter’s insurance!!

In the west landlords require them for this reason as people who lost their stuff would sue the landlord.

Do you have renter’s insurance?

By “the west” do you mean the entire world excluding Asia? I’ve never had a landlord require renter’s insurance, nor have I ever asked a tenant to obtain renter’s insurance.

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Why should I be paying for other people’s fuckups? I’ll sue instead.


My girlfriend works for a design/architecture company and they are working on a building somewhere down south. They have very specific and strict guidelines when it comes to their designs and how foundations are dug. Needless to say, the contractor who was hired by the government to build the building decided that he knew better and in order to save time and money, skipped a crucial part of the foundation digging process. The walls/edges were supposed to be dug at a 45 degree angle in order to prevent the adjacent road from collapsing. Instead the did it at a 90 degree angle. You can guess what happened next. Heavy rainfall and it started collapsing. Luckily no building were damages and no one was hurt. But, the contractor is now responsible for the cost of bringing in equipment and materials to fix this mess.


I’ve never had a landlord require renter’s insurance in the West either. I suspect “the west” here meant something like “a landlord I once had in Austin, Texas”. :roll:


The landlord is legally required to take out home insurance in the UK if i remember correctly.

I think it is literally called landlord insurance. But you are right, the tenant doesnt need to take it out.

I don’t understand your chip on your shoulder.

Regardless of whether or not it’s required, is it not a good idea to have renter’s insurance? So what if your property leaked during a typhoon badly and all your stuff is damaged? What if this leaning tower thing happens again? Homeowners will be compensated but as a renter, you’re SOL.

This is what renter’s insurance is supposed to protect against.

Landlords have insurance by the way, like if a tenant defaults or whatever, or damages the property, etc.

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Do you have renter’s insurance?

I’m a landlord and I don’t have insurance covering “like if a tenant defaults or whatever, or damages the property, etc.”, by the way. Does your landlord?

Also still waiting for your definition of “the west”.

You don’t understand what “chip on your shoulder” means.


You’re being deliberately difficult, and asking me to explain myself, at which time Andrew will come on and say that it’s annoying. So no, I’m not falling for your bait.

Having insurance is just a good idea. Shit happens and insurance makes sure you have a peace of mind. I’m not sure why this is even a controversial statement.

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Do you have renter’s insurance?

I’m not falling for your bait.

It ain’t my fault that you’re perennially unable to write anything accurate. You could just have said that you think all renters should have it and stopped there, without doing your usual thing of exaggerating/making stuff up/writing things that aren’t true based on your very limited knowledge. Though I’m sure you think that’s everyone else’s fault, like usual.


Whose house is it?

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tbh the range of exclusions from insurance can make them seem dubious value, particularly in this context of act of god, natural disaster, war, civil unrest etc.


He’s not falling for your bait.

a close up of a gollum from the lord of the rings with the word tricky written on the bottom .

Seems to be common here in Seattle. My current lease specifies a minimum $300k liability policy.


I’ve never rented in America where it wasn’t required. Property owner has insurance for the structure but they don’t want any liability for the contents.

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I rent out a few properties and I don’t require the renters to have insurance. And many moons ago when I was a renter, I was never required to have renter’s insurance. Located in SE USA.


If their actions cause the tenant financial damages, then they have liability regardless.