Hi everyone, I just copied and pasted this from Dave’s ESL Cafe in hopes that I may possibly receive more feedback.
I have just been offered a contract (on the basis that I pass my CELTA) and will be sent to me once I reply.
The thing is, I want to wait before I see if I get another official offer from another school (in case I don’t pass my CELTA-which my instructor said DOES happen). I want to make sure that I have secured a job since the second school doesn’t require a CELTA.
How do I professionally tell the first school this?
Or…if I am sent the contract, is it not official until I actually sign it? So do I even mention it? I don’t want to scare them away.
I’ve never had to do this before. The only contract that was anything like this was the Au Pair contract, but in my case, the family and I discussed it together and I typed it up on my own
I am not sure what the protocol is for accepting such contracts in such situations.
ANY advice or feedback will help me greatly!
Thank you!