Let's armchair QB the DPP

Latest example of the DPP’s xenophobia: foreign soap operas.

Pasuya “Sleep at Latin American Diplomatic Meetings” Yao is considering banning soap operas from Japan, Korea, Hong Kong, and China on prime time TV.

KMT legislator Kuo su-chun said Yao was excessively strict. He joked that Yao might consider closing down CKS airport so that foreigners could be prevented from entering the country altogether.

That truly reflects the sentiment of some of the hardcore xenaphobia on Taiwan.

Reminds me of the case when Ni Min-jan (倪敏然) committed suicide and mainland actress Xia Yi (夏禕) got the brunt of the blame.

Doesn’t matter Ni Min-jan (倪敏然) was married to another women at the time. But Xia Yi (夏禕) was painted as being a cold hearted Shanghainese that must have cause of his death, since he called her over 20 times on the day of his death.

Of course it was later revealed that Ni Min-jan (倪敏然) suffered from chronic depression.