Let's list all the places that won't accept ARC

Even then, APRC holders don’t have rights. They have privileges. You can’t treat APRC holders the same as nationals cause then they would be nationals. If they want to, they can say no to your APRC and revoke it. Citizenship is the only way to write it in stone. APRC holders have no guarantees and are not constituents.

Even myself, I would tolerate a few years of red tape if I could have a clear path to citizenship. But I don’t and many people don’t.

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I’ve talked to the fsc various times. They hide behind the excuse that they themselves don’t ban foreigners from getting loans but banks can choose to do business with foreigners or not. If they choose not, that’s not their concern. That is a copout answer imo

Not to slag all the banks since I deal with a small few that generally let me get most of their services. But the vast majority don’t work with us.

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I’m aware.
This loan is provided by the government. The banks are just processing the applications.


I don’t see any here:
Is there any other document required?

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I never knew that. That pisses me off.

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What I thought was a restriction on APRC. I think foreign spouses should be basically supported by their citizen spouses if needed, though.

I just went to 18 TC (Nightclub in Taichung) on Saturday, without having to show my Passport, ARC was fine.

I went to Frank Taichung before heading to 18 TC and they persisted on needing to see my passport and that the ARC is not enough. After I showed them my 健保卡 however I was allowed in.

Not true. Many governments worldwide are giving equal treatment to foreign residents who lost jobs or have businesses impacted. Ireland has very large numbers of foreign residents getting 350 euro/week unemployment benefit, also rent subsidy due to covid.

Even Australia only threw out the working holiday visa holders , residents with other working visas or otherwise are getting pretty equal treatment.

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Not the best way to get it to work but sometimes if you just show them your Healthcare card (DO NOT show your ARC or mention you are a foreigner) they will let you buy a discounted ticket. It is very inconsistent if it works or not.

Went on a trip with an older friend and I suggested trying this one time. First time did it no problem. 2nd time the worker had to ask the person in charge if it was okay, she said it was fine. This friend told his friend about this and when he tried they wouldn’t let him buy a ticket because they wanted to see his Taiwanese ID card and he doesn’t have one being a foreigner and all.

The inconsistency is the most aggravating part of it all. I believe this was brought up at one of the AIT meetings that they hold around Taiwan with Americans and the response was just a “THSR is a private company and there’s nothing we can do about it”.

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Since Taiwan does have an anti discrimination law, which I think is in the Constitution, it would take lawsuits to get these companies to change. Since government agencies also discriminate, I highly doubt they would side with us against a private institution, sadly.

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Do you know where is the form to be filled?

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I imagine they would just drag their feet for as long as they could.

Only way I could see anything really happening at a reasonable rate is if it blew up in the media similarly to what happened with YouBike not including ARC numbers for registration. They said it would take about a month at the earliest. Mayor Ko told them to have it done ASAP and they fixed it within a week. :neutral_face:

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sorry for the late reply,


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You are right, the government agencies are great at stalling, sometimes for years. They are very fast to give the initial ‘No’, then if you reply back they take months hoping you go away.

Only reason why Mayor Ko got involved is because thousands of people (myself included) emailed all departments of government until it couldn’t be swept under the rug anymore.

Most foreigners are content to just get their wife or girlfriend to do everything for them so they don’t tend to want to get involved to make Taiwan less discriminatory. Although I can’t say I blame them, it is a frustrating battle. Korea and Japan are only slightly better, but from what I have read foreigners there also have uphill battles with bureaucracy.


Ou said the Taiwanese government is well aware of the protests and “firmly opposes” discrimination of any kind.



Hey sailor, can you email me at npr321321@gmail.com
I hope the court issue has been resolved.

Vivian906090 would be more attractive )

So the list of places that won’t accept A§RC is extending.
This time it’s Chunghwa telecom hinet.
My company has obtained .com.tw domain name ( actually brand name ), but their website form field requiring fuzeren ID does not accept “foreign” ID number.
Of course they told that company must have Taiwanese fuzeren and all that usual nonsense.
That ID format problem is getting really annoying…


Yep interestingly I found that Korea did exactly the same as Taiwan, only giving covid subsidy to spouses of Korean citizens. Who copied who do you reckon ?One county governnent however was more generous in Korea and stated that everybody should get the subsidy no mater citizen or foreigner. Which I thought was pretty cool !

The city of Ansan, where more than 11 percent of its population are foreign residents, is the only municipality giving out cash payouts to foreigners, regardless of whether they are married to Korean nationals. It offers 100,000 won to Koreans and 70,000 won to foreign nationals.

Foreign residents will receive 70 percent of what Koreans get in cash payouts, given that the central government grants to local authorities equal 70 percent of what is allocated for Korean residents, he added. About 80,000 foreign residents in the city are to receive the funds.

Foreigners are also paying taxes and they are contributing a lot to the city, so we are offering the funds to them,” an official from the city said.

These are just cultural decisions and not related to logic at the end of the day.

Japan distributed to non citizens with arc.

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That’s ridiculous.