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How about @Dr_Milker and GooseEgg?

That’s a suspicious one if you ask me

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Clearly tempo gain has multiple personality dissociative disorder and trying to suppress gain.


I’m not sure about that, but I must have masochistic tendencies

That would explain @Gain very well!


Point of personal privilege…? I’m not either of them.

That’s a lie. I am you. You know this, because I know this.


I often confuse you guys.

@tempogain and @mad_masala are not one person?


Libel is a crime here, you know. ChewDog and DrewCutz could sue.

Hahaha, ok guys, you’re funny and I have to admit that I also have fun with this but…

Please stop using multiple accounts.

I’ve moved this to F&G. Too serious for Temp, too silly for Feedback.

Right? @discobot fortune

:crystal_ball: Most likely

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Thanks DB. :heart:

You know, Mr. Masala, DB is BD backwards. Just sayin’… :whistle:

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…And how DO you tittilate an ocelot?

I don’t know how to use an abacus.

There. Finally got that one off my chest. I feel so inadequate, and somewhat embarrassed, but strangely relieved.

@urodacus display help

Quick, help @urodacus! :astonished:
@discobot quote

:left_speech_bubble: To give hope to someone occurs when you teach them how to use the tools to do it for themselves. — Byron Pulsifer

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Feel helped, Uro? :slight_smile:

There’s a possibility that there is only one poster with multiple personality disorder. That would explain the different writing styles and the fact that the various personalities keep bitching at each other.

It’s definitely not me, though.

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And not me, either. I only have a smallus dickus.

thanks for the quote, @yyy